Reign: 3x18 “Spiders in a Jar”

Still, sometimes someone needs to
give the jar a good shake.”
Wow! The episode, being a season finale, can not afford not to surprise
and usually the death toll is quite high, and Reign has never been shy when it
comes to killing off its characters. But wow! Even though the deaths became
obvious as the episode went forward, they were still shocking and I couldn’t
believe they would kill some of the favorites. Wow!
Reign: 3x17 “Intruders”

Who was the intruder in this one? Mary storming into her own castle ruining Knox' plan? Claude’s ex in the person of Martel de Guise falling onto our heads with the revenge of his own? Narcisse
sneaking into Lola’s chambers dressed like a priest? All of them? None of them? Honestly, I have no idea. Do you? And
who comes up with these titles?
Grimm: 5x21/22 “The Beginning of the End”

In keeping with a tradition Grimm ended its fifth year with a two hour
finale, and in keeping with the same tradition I was going to review them
separately. But since, for the first time, it actually was a two hour finale
non-stop, I will also break the tradition and review the finale as one big
episode instead of two. Is everyone on the same page? Let’s talk then.
Reign: 3x11 “Succession”

We have spent so little time on Scotland, all the bad news were given
through third parties, all the protests and uprisings were happening off
screen, and over three seasons we literally
spent like five minutes in Scotland, so it is
difficult to be sympathetic.
Grimm: 5x17 “Inugami”

That seems to be a common theme lately. Trust. Or the lack of it. Or
rather the lack of communication. Everybody is talking, but to the wrong
people. The only one who is sharing is Eve, who is also spying on everybody,
which, I guess, makes it easier to know who to spill the next piece of
Reign: 3x07 “The Hound and the Hare”

Much better. The previous
episode left me so disappointed that I wasn’t eager to watch the next one. Like
at all. Skeptical at first, I was laughing like an idiot by the end of it. You
have to agree, it was fun, especially with all the doom and gloom lately. I
don’t remember when was the last time I laughed so hard watching Reign.
Probably not since Catherine and Henry were scrubbing blood off the castle’s floor.
How ironic, considering circumstances.
Grimm: 5x09 “Star-Crossed”

So, you are a Grimm and you live in the world were Wesen and demons
exist; you have witnessed all sorts of supernatural events, your girlfriend was
brought back from the dead, yet a ritual to influence weather and summon the
rain that involved human sacrifices strictly aligned with the points of the
Plough is where you draw the line... Seriously, Nick?
Grimm: 5x08 “A Reptile Dysfunction”

Riots are happening all over the world yet two out of (how many?) Grimms, super powerful revived Hexenbiest and Meisner and Co. are all in Portland,
where the situation is a picnic compared to the rest of the world. Is Portland somehow unique
in this sense? At least we now have a clear explanation of why the Black Claw is doing all this - they want a world run by Wesen... Got it!
Grimm: 5x07 “Eve of Destruction”

“They call me Eve”
Yep, she’s back and judging
by the opening credits she’s here to stay. Those who read my reviews know that
Juliette is not a favorite, so what does it say about the episode when she is
the best part of it? I was equally surprised!
2016: Midseason Premieres

Continuum - Series Finale

Yet on more
occasions than one she entered the cave to join the dragon and more than few
times the dragon deserved it. Don’t you love it when characters you are supposed
to hate and those you are supposed to like switch places or join each other?
Read on to hear my thoughts about this time-travel loopy loop in general and the finale specifically.
2015: My 50 shades of awesome, weird and mediocre

I love sci-fi as a genre and I’m there for
any apocalyptic series. Literally, anything supernatural/horror that the Powers That Be decide to throw my way, I will be watching. I love the shows centered on what happens after
the earth is invaded, whoever is behind it, be that aliens, vampires, demons or just
regular humans. There is something desperately beautiful about people trying to
survive in horrible circumstances and build their life again and deal with all
sorts of issues that come with that. The spirit of human nature is never more
attractive. That is why a lot of series in my list are from this category. The
only exception is still The Walking Dead. I tried it. Twice. Both times
couldn’t get past the pilot. I guess zombies is where I draw the line.
So here are my 50 shades of awesome, weird and
mediocre. And all that falls in between. No spoilers, just some basic info and
my random thoughts. So read on.
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