Bud: “Kind of looks like a claw
mark, I think.”
Well, that was a total
mayhem. On screen and … well… on screen.
Wesen on Wesen war has come
to Portland,
and several other cities. Except it didn’t make any sense. As Monroe was explaining the previous acts of
this war, like that riot at the factory, it was clear why one group of Wesen
was attacking another. Here we are missing the goal, the reason and the motive.
At one point I thought I got the motive part… when they showed Monroe’s picture to poor Xavier. It looked
like they were after Monroe…
Then why wouldn’t they just attack his shop? Did they need Xavier to lead them
to Monroe and
eventually to Grimm? Again, if they knew the Grimm identity they could have
come for Nick directly. It was a very confusing plan that hinged solely on Monroe showing up at the
station to convince Xavier to id one of the kidnappers, so she could later lead
them straight to the trap. Like I said, not much sense.
Like that campaign’s add
that Sean was filming with flirting and attractive producer… This subplot is so detached from everything else, and I don’t understand why they are doing this,
but I do get the feeling that all that will come back and bite him in the ass.
Let’s talk about the big
elephant in the warehouse at the end that saved Nick and Co. when they so recklessly
walked into a trap. Juliette is alive! She also seems to have reached her full
potential. Remember Henrietta said her powers will be enormous and scary. The
question now is - is this really Juliette? Has she died and was brought back? Or maybe she didn't die at all? Maybe Trubel just wounded her and HW fixed her and turn her into something slightly different and relatively easy to control? HW wanted Trubel to get her, so they must have
had a plan for her. Considering the random and disorganized threat that is this Wesen
uprising, they surely need all hands on deck and human turned Hexenbiest is a
nice addition to Grimm. Whatever it is, I called it, when I said that it’s her
behind that door. Well, the second door. But to be honest I was joking, mostly
because I was glad we are done with Juliette. Worst Christmas gift ever. Bad
Grimm! No biscuit!
So what does this mean for
Nick? More specifically, what does this mean for Nick and Adalind? Like Trubel
said, they live together, they sleep together (next to each other – “Uh-huh” – to quote Trubel) and they
have a baby. It seemed like we were moving in a certain direction. However
with Juliette back and Adalind's peculiar interest in Meisner I'm starting to think that
maybe I got all the signs wrong. But then again Adalind looked like she’s 15
years old when Trubel asked point blank if she loved Nick. So, there is hope. I take that.
Adalind still thinks Diana
is with the Royals and Sean, Meisner and Trubel know she’s not. Nick and Co. don’t know about King’s death. Sean didn’t know about
Chavez until now. Nick doesn’t know Sean knows Meisner and Sean doesn’t know
Nick knows Meisner. They have to share information and then maybe they have a
fighting chance.
The work Trubel’s been doing
all this time is impressive. It’s like she’s doing what Grimm is supposed to do,
if there ever was a job description. She is fighting the big fight, on a much
larger scale, while Nick is solving homicides in Portland and uses Grimm powers as a tool
Some observations
We finally got the name of this secret organization – HW, which stands
for Hadrian's Wall. Hadrian's Wall was a defensive fortification in
the Roman province
of Britannia in 122 AD
during the reign of the emperor Hadrian. Although Hadrian's biographer wrote "(Hadrian) was the first to build a wall 80 miles long
to separate the Romans from the barbarians", reasons for the construction
of the wall vary, and no recording of an exact explanation survives”. How does any of that relate to Grimm, beats me.
It looked like not only Trubel knew of Diana, she knew her personally. Diana with her powers must be the biggest weapon in the HW’s arsenal. Did they cast her yet?
Boxer Rebellion, draft riots during
the Civil War and the Boston Tea Party were all started by Wesen. Love those little
references to history.

I laughed out loud (despite the seriousness of the situation) when
Rosalee kept hitting Xavier in the car.
Loved how Sean woged in front of that woman at the police station and she realized he is Wesen too. Almost as fun was Wu’s reaction to it.
Juliette’s white wig was
horrible. Literally any other color would be better.
Memorable Quotes:
Rosalee: “Why
would they kidnap Xavier? He wouldn't hurt a fly.”
Monroe: “Well, he actually would hurt a
fly. I mean, he's a Hasenfussige Schnecke. They think of flies as a kind of
delicacy, but point taken.”
Bud about
Xavier: “It's not a woge you forget. God knows you want to.”
Hank: “I'll
take the first guy through the door.”
Wu: “Second.”
Monroe: “I'll take whoever you guys miss.”
Sol’s rating: I’m tempted to give it a 3, for
whatever reason. For Trubel mostly. But it will be 2, because of Juliette.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Grimm comes back 30th of January.
See you all then!
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