You don’t say!
Not only turning into Sean was painful, Eve was also in for a big
surprise. Every time someone uses the witchy hat it one way or another leads to
sex. What’s up with that? Although, here, we thankfully didn’t get that far; but
almost getting there was hilarious.
Thank you the TPTB for giving Sasha Roiz an opportunity to shine. He is
such a great actor and mostly underused. He did an awesome job as Eve
impersonating Sean, beautifully nailing her newfound robotic nature and manner
of speaking, even his voice changed. Very fine job. Hats off. I would love to
see the behind the scenes from this one, it must have been a lot of fun to
I’m not sure I like that they are making Sean into an enemy. Is that what
they are doing? He’d be a great villain (although I believe he is too good at
heart for that) and a powerful enemy and it would add a lot of tension
considering their past. I almost want them to go down that road. Almost. On the
other hand I remember all those times he was helping them and fighting on their
side. He doesn’t deserve such lack of trust.
Adalind still hasn’t told Nick about her ‘beginning to return’ to her
former self. Although, she brings up Hexenbiest a lot. The detective in Nick
should really listen. But at least she asked him to try and find Diana. A good
start. I can live with that.
The case of the week was rather sad. There were no real culprits, just humans
(and a Wesen) lost in their faith and guilt. No real murders, just accidents,
betrayal and misguided attempts of exorcism. What an unfortunate string of
events. I felt sorry for everyone, poor Dwight who was using his woge to help
and save people, the guy that killed someone in self defense, Mark the
bodyguard taking his own life because he couldn’t live with the guilt and Joan
killing the man she loved to ‘save’ him. Sad like life, despite a Wesen
involved this case was very human.
Monroe’s expert didn’t help much with the cloth. We didn’t learn anything new.
The only words they were able to read were ‘miraculum’ and ‘perikulosum’, which
with obvious since that thing healed Monroe
and of course it is dangerous. But nothing really new.
Some observations
Episode’s opening quote was: “We are each our own devil, and
we make this world our hell.”
Wilde. Of course.
I was grateful that we didn’t see the Eve-to-Sean transformation process
again. One time was more than enough.
What’s up with Wu? Is it a full moon? Is he turning into that wolf-thing?
Wouldn’t it be awesome? I’m already seeing them building a cage in the spice
shop basement to hold him, or he can sit out the full moon in that well that
Nick found at his place. Marvelous!
Memorable Quotes:
Monroe: “Well, then this conspiracy theory
ain't no theory.”
Eve: “Do
you remember when Adalind became me and I became her?”
Monroe: “I'm pretty sure none of us will
ever be able to un-remember that.”
Yeah. No kidding.
Monroe: “I'm sorry, is that even possible?
I mean, you're so, like, not as tall, not to mention he's
got other
Hank: “Mark,
Luke, and John? Really?”
Wu: “I'm
just the messenger. And not from on high.”
Hank: “But
the devil gets thrown out again and again. It keeps coming back for more?”
Nick: “It
does make you wonder about Satan's schedule.”
Hank: “If
Satan has really teamed up with Dwight, I think the devil should be getting top
billing and he's not even on the poster.”
Rosalee: “A
Furis Rubian. They've been mistaken for the devil since the beginning of time.”
Monroe: “And what's not so common
knowledge is that the Pope actually had a couple of them chained up in the
basement of St. Peter's Basilica in the dark ages which they would trot out through
the countryside every now and then to put the fear of Hell into the populace. Alms
went way up.”
Nick: “Say
we give McCullough back his cell phone and his money. Turn him loose.”
Hank: “Yeah,
let's follow the money. It always goes somewhere bad.”
Sol’s rating: I loved this one a lot, so solid
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