Well, that was an episode
full of mythology goodness… and then some. Let’s discuss.
The other week I asked about other Grimms out there, and voila, we got to meet one. Well, not literally, since he’s very much dead, but we learned a great deal about him. Joseph Nebojsa was a Grimm with a capital ‘G’. Not only he managed to stay alive all those years fighting Wesen, he lived a long life and died peacefully from natural causes. He must have been the first and the last. He also had in his possession very very old Grimm books depicting some Wesen that even Monroe never heard of. Joseph Nebojsa also has been tracking all Grimms all over the world and conveniently written all about it in his Grimm-genealogy. Now, that is a very dangerous book to have and he probably should have put it in some secure vault rather than hide it in the trunk in his attic.
That trunk was full of surprises and thanks to Monroe’s sharp eye our team is now in
possession of three more keys. When Rosalee run off to get the other two keys
hidden in the secret compartment in the store, two things crossed my mind
almost simultaneously. Something is gonna happen to her… it was all so
dramatic… but it didn’t. The second thought was - shouldn’t they move their
secret compartment below deck? I mean with that huge basement of theirs they
could surely find a better place to hide valuable items, than leaving them
under the floor boards of the spice shop, that gets trashed on a regular basis.
I loved this development a lot, if only they did it gradually. It felt
like a huge information dump in the in the flicker of a second. I believe last we heard about those keys was couple of seasons back, if I’m not mistaken and now we almost have a full set that was conveniently enough to make a map and Monroe immediately recognized the place on the said map. At least there wasn’t a classic "X that marks the spot", otherwise
it would have been too fairy tale, even for Grimm. All those books and background information and Knights of Templar and buried treasures though being totally entertaining was still a bit too much.
To my surprise (probably
because I thought I happened off screen), no one has yet visited Nick’s new
place, except for Trubel. We had a belated fome warming that had such a family
feel to it, it was hard to believe where all those people were just a season
back. Though unfortunately we did not see the actual dinner (I would seriously
pay to see that), we had a nice man-to-man, or should I say Wesen-to-Grimm,
talk on the roof. Monroe
spelled out loud all those things that we and Nick and everybody else were thinking
about this peculiar situation.
We also had a nice moment
between Nick and Adalind who shared that it her mom's birthday. If Kelly didn't kill Catherine their Christmas dinners would have been
a hoot.
On the Black Claw front…
We learned that one their goal
is to eradicate everything Grimm-related. Books, knowledge and Grimms
themselves. It makes sense, if they want a world run by Wesen, they better
remove those who were destined to kill them from the equation.
Monroe’s uncle requesting 100,000$ for the books was probably reasonable if not modest considering their value, but it was such a ridiculous amount of
money, that I laughed out loud. However it provided for somewhat needed
cooperation with HW. Since Nick obviously didn’t have that amount of money it
was logical for him to turn to this shady organization for help. Loved Monroe’s trip to their
facility, loved his reaction to it and Eve in particular. Speaking of Eve, I
thought she would help Nick and Monroe
at the warehouse, considering it was her former self who destroyed the trailer. It would have been appropriate, but she didn’t. It turned out they didn’t need
any help. Even thought those Wesen were literally flying around, never kill a relative
of a Blutbad – Monroe was on fire!
Some observations
Episode’s opening quote was: “History is the nightmare from which I am
trying to awake”. It is quote from “Ulysses”
by Irish novelist James Joyce.
The issue of our heroes handling books like they are some random
cheap magazines was finally brought up! I remember wanting to slap them on the head for eating
fries and burgers over the ancient books. After Monroe’s
uncle introduced them to the notion of gloves I thought they would be smarter.
In the Grimm-genealogy book we found Nick’s family - his grandfather
Walter (born 1931), his aunt Marie (born 1958), his mother Kelly (born 1960)
and Nick (born 1982). So based on that
math, Nick is 34 years old. Did we know that already?
If Trubel is also in the book, and there is no reason why she shouldn't, she
might get a chance to learn about her family.
Nick’s birthday is June 18th, Adalind’s is April 14th. Check!
It took Monroe’s uncle a very little time
to get from Germany to Portland. Considering
time differences and flight connections I suppose it was doable, but I refuse
to believe that the cargo traveled equally as fast! Considering the nature of
the said cargo, how on earth he managed to clear it through customs and ship it across the world in so
little time.
Sean’s journey on whatever is continuing. Right now this political
campaign is so detached from everything else, it just flies by unnoticed.
Memorable Quotes:
Monroe about Nick’s new place: “I think
it's kind of homey, you know, in a, like, post-apocalyptic, neo-industrial, steampunk
chic kind of way.”
Rosalee: “Guess
you don't have to worry about anybody killing your neighbors here.”
I think that was a winning argument!
Monroe: “Well, how do you feel about her?”
Nick: “I'm
not sure. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. I hated her for so long, and
living together, and we have this kid. And it all just feels so strangely normal.
I mean, if you can call this normal.”
Monroe: “But, dude, seriously, it is so
weird that you slept with both of them when they were each other. I mean, come
on. Relationships are confusing enough as it is without getting into
that kind
of, you know... bizarre arithmetic.”
Sol’s rating: it was really good, but not
stellar, so 3.5 out of 5
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