So, not getting to Scotland,are
we? Not, bloody likely!
I spent an entire episode worrying for Bash, but boy the fortune did not
smile at Catherine. Like at all. If it wasn’t for Mary saving her (again!) her
predicament could have ended badly. Did anyone else cringe as we listened Mary
defending Catherine? All of you? Yeah, that was hard to watch. Sure, Catherine
didn’t murder the generals, but her closet of a castle is full of
skeletons. And some of them fell out in this one.
I sometimes wondered how the hell Bash doesn’t even question his mother’s
complete disappearance off the face of the earth. Yes, they haven’t exactly
parted ways on good terms, but she was his mother. Turns out he was writing to
her in vain and it only took a homicidal maniac for him to finally put two and
two together. It wasn’t that hard, to be honest. If someone, who caused pain to
Catherine de Medici disappears, chances are they gone for good.
Poor Delphine! I didn’t care much about her, but I thought she would
ultimately make Bash happy so I went along. I did however felt sorry for her in
this one. Having to come back after healing-from-demon-killer-vibes trip to the
man she loves in a beautiful castle with prospects of being King’s seer, well
that was a fairy tale doomed to not happen. At least she managed to point Bash
into the right direction, revealing Christophe MO, which eventually led Bash to
Catherine and blackmail.
In that final confrontation with Catherine I didn’t worry for her, not
one bit, but I was worried for Bash. Threatening the Queen mother is not a
forgivable offense! So I was relieved when he showed up at the ship, ready to
sail off and far away from France.
But I wasn’t too keen on his love for Mary that suddenly came back. It feels
like we’ve already seen it and they’ve done it to bits, and everyone has moved
on from that. Couldn’t we just have him follow her because she needs someone to
trust, not someone who is in love with her?
Bash didn’t just leave, he left behind damming evidences of how exactly
Catherine paved the road to her Regency. Now, not only she lost Mary, but also
Charles and Claude, and also Narcisse. It’s going to be very lonely at French
court for her.
Finally some use of Lola! Thanks to her eavesdropping skills Mary got a
wind of a window to come back to Scotland. Not only that, Lola also gave a very decent advice to Elizabeth.
She is getting a grip of it, playing both sides, and I mean it in a very good way,
because to her credit, Lola is loyal to Mary, but tries to be as much helpful to
Elizabeth as
possible. She is however ready to flee if and when the chance presents
itself. Having Gideon on her side and Narcisse heading to England to help
her, she might just get out of there alive.
Narcisse keeps surprising me. Was that a genuine feeling of respect on
his face towards Mary as she stormed through just a dozen of soldiers on her
horse in her white dress waving Francis’ gift? I believe that was the first.
And the way he stood off Catherine without actually standing her off. Brilliant!
Narcisse does know women. I hope he survives that shipwreck of a safe passage
he got himself into.
I hope everyone survives, but not everyone will. Thank you spoilers, as
much as I try to avoid you, you always there.
Historical bits
Did not catch a single one.
Some observations
letter almost made me cry. What a beautiful reminder of a beautiful tale that
I thought
we were done with Gideon and was surprised to see him back at English court. I
bet he’ll die soon. Just a feeling.
Mary on the
horse with a sword – Wow! It was glorious! She reminded me of Jeanne d’Arc.
Bash may
not have been able to kill Catherine, but fortunately he had no problem killing
Christophe. Thank God! It was about time, someone did.
I laughed
out loud during this scene. Did anyone else?
They looked comically ridiculous,
especially Charles.
Wardrobe department
Lots of fabulous dresses in
this one, seriously they seem to be getting more glorious every week. I give the “Best Dress of the week” Award to the
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to Lola. I understand that Elizabeth burned half of her wardrobe, but
for God’s sake please stop putting this flowery wanna-be dresses on this quite
attractive lady. She looks like a flower bed.
Memorable Quotes:
“Offer them bribes for their silence. If they refuse, tell them I'll cut off
their heads!”
Bash: “Somehow
I doubt they'll refuse.”
Bash: “What
happened to these generals isn't your burden. Catherine and her family are
united. These knights will be crushed, and life here will go on.”
Sol’s rating: solid 3.
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