Still, sometimes someone needs to
give the jar a good shake.”
Wow! The episode, being a season finale, can not afford not to surprise
and usually the death toll is quite high, and Reign has never been shy when it
comes to killing off its characters. But wow! Even though the deaths became
obvious as the episode went forward, they were still shocking and I couldn’t
believe they would kill some of the favorites. Wow!
I hate spoilers, but no matter how much you try, you are bound to see
some of them, unless you live in a cave and do not own a computer. So the news of
Torrance Coombs getting cast in another
show got to me half way through this season and ever since I was waiting for
him to die. Like every episode. Yet he managed to survive Christophe the
killer, confrontation with Catherine, the shipwreck and druids massacre. Color
me surprised. I like the character of Bash, I don’t think we have seen even the
half of his potential. All we saw was just few pages of his life through his
affairs with several women. And those relationships sort of defined him, but
that is not who he is, so I was all for it when they decided to let him live
and go on this self search. It left the door open for him to come back later in
full capacity or as a guest star.
Mary lost the last of her friends and we lost the voice of wisdom of this
show – Lola. Following instructions, that she believed came from her queen, she
sent John away, said her goodbyes to Narcisse and went down the rabbit hole.
There wasn’t any doubt that the assassination attempt would fail, so to be honest I was more
curious as to who exactly gave the order. It couldn’t be Elizabeth, as I assumed last week, it
definitely wasn’t Mary. Not once did I think of that bastard Knox who pulled
the trick and masterfully played those women he hates so much. I was hoping
Lola would stop or at least question the order’s origin, discuss it with
Narcisse or whatever. She didn’t. During that scene in the woods under falling
snow I said out loud: “Oh, my! She is really going to die!”. Goodbye Lady Lola,
you will be missed.
The other death was also a given; the second Catherine gave her blessing
to Leith and Claude I knew he will die. That
little weasel Martel so obviously wanted the princess to himself that he easily
eliminated his rival and honest and decent Leith
didn’t even see it coming. Although it was not definitely confirmed that he is
dead, he looked pretty dead. Coupled with happy Claude picking her dress and
their lovely last night together… Goodbye Leith,
you will be missed.
If it is any consolation he died happy. He got the girl and Queen’s
blessing to marry her. Looking at those two I was mostly amazed at how different
their love story was compared to the one with Greer. Greer was always way too
concerned about her position and status, none of this mattered for Claude. One
could say it was easier for Claude, but when you think about it, it really
wasn’t. I don’t think Greer ever loved Leith
the way he deserved, and Claude did. Be careful, Martel de Guise, when she
finds out (and she will) you’re dead.
Charles was back, damaged and not quite well, to the point of giving up
his power and crown. Yet ultimately he was strong enough to outplay Catherine
and take all the power from her. The score is 1:0, but Catherine is someone you
better be friends with, as she didn’t wait long to hint on how easily it will
be to replace a king. I must say Catherine is such a paradox when it comes to
her family. She says she loves her children and I believe that she does, yet
she sees no problem of having her daughter beaten, having Francis suffer thinking
John was dead. And the latest, just last episode she was ready to give her life
for Charles, and now she is quite capable of carrying out her threat to kill
him off. Here is what I think - she loves her family as long as they are not on
her way to power. That must be lonely.
Mary and Gideon have met again. Although not as was pictured some episodes back, him being an English ambassador in Scotland. Maybe one day, but right now he was sent to Scotland to try and sway the nobles to support Elizabeth. He is still loyal to his Queen and still in love with Mary and I’m afraid we are at that point where it is no longer possible for him to try and sit on two chairs and he has to choose once and for all. What Mary asked of him, to get close to Elizabeth, to seduce her, to spy on her wasn’t fair since he is in love with her. It also showed that Mary doesn’t love him back. Not anymore. She is blinded with rage and grief and she has only one goal – destroy Elizabeth. And she will do whatever it takes and she will even marry accordingly. Wow! That speech was hot… and cold at the same time. If Gideon would have vanished into a thin air right that moment, I bet she wouldn’t even notice.
Historical bits
Robert Dudley was indeed married to Lettice Knollys, who was a grandniece of Anne Boleyn.
Some observations
So what will happen with baby John now? Will he be returned to France as he is
Francis’ son? Will he stay with Narcisse? Will Mary take him under her
Robert Dudley came back to court just in time to save Elizabeth and kill her later with the news of
his marriage. The notion of dramatic entrance is not lost on him.
Wardrobe department
There were many wonderful dresses in this one but the “Best Dress of the
week” Award goes to Elizabeth, whose dress was one of the best this series
ever paraded in front of our eyes.
The “Worst Dress of the week” Award goes to no one. There was one dress, and of
course it was Lola’s, who they always dressed awfully, but since she died in
it, it wouldn’t be appropriate to award her for it.
Memorable Quotes:
Mary: “I am
a stranger in my own home. My own land.”
Mary: “Queens
do not bow to their subjects. It is, in fact, quite the other way around.”
Charles: “I
told you, I don't want to be king.”
“This isn't a job you get to choose, and you can't just walk away from it.”
Lola to ELizabeth: “Oh, you don't
trust anyone. You have more power than anyone around you, and people will want
it. And because you value power above all else, you will always be alone. It's
incredible, really. I march to my execution very soon, and yet you are the one
to be pitied.”
Bravo, Lady Lola!
Sol’s rating: no rating for a season finale but it was powerful and
painful and somewhat sad and fatal. Had it not been renewed this episode could
have served as a quite decent series finale.
The fourth season of Reign returns next year.
See you then!
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