What is the right side of
history, though? Any side in any conflict is always convinced they are the good
ones and what they are doing is the right thing.
The right thing for Sean, from our prospective, would be to tell Nick and
the rest what is going on and nuke this Uprising from within. From Sean’s
prospective he could become the mayor and rule the city. And get his daughter
back as a bonus. Let’s not forget that if he agrees to be a double agent he
would still be able to get Diana back. The fact that Sean is still weighing his
options worries me. His silence is the indication of him lining towards saying
‘yes’. He was also trying to manipulate Adalind, and I didn’t like that. Unfortunately
for him she is no longer vulnerable and helpless but a beast again even if not
fully yet, and in love with Nick. That is a powerful combination, as is the
maternal instinct. We’ll see what comes of this.
Despite being able to see through Sean Adalind didn’t mention the meeting
to Nick, considering Eve’s surveillance lately that might bite Adalind in the
ass. They are sort of even, since Nick still hasn’t told her about the Knights’
healing stick that he hid in the basement of their new house. The basement that
has a basement. And the steel reinforced door, that hasn’t been opened for
hundreds of years. Yep, that’s a smart move.
The case of the week was Grimm’s version of werewolf with a twist. The
fact that a Lycanthrope was not a type of Wesen but rather a disease was an
interesting take on the Wesen behavior. So, it’s like rabies, I suppose. It was
clear from the get go that either the son or the mother is responsible for
maiming to death those poor tourists and it was just the matter of figuring out
who. The thing I didn’t understand was how the son survived the first attack?
If she couldn’t control herself why didn’t she kill him?
I must say I quite enjoyed the case this week, and I’m not a fan of werewolf
stories. But this one was quite compelling and dynamic, everybody worked together
and it didn’t take that much screen time. The case also left us with a bit of a
cliffhanger. So, what does the future hold for Sergeant Wu? He got scratched in
a fight with Lycanthrope and was infected. Now, isn’t it a Wesen specific
disease and more specifically a Blutbaden one? Yet Wu was certainly affected.
I’m equally curious and scared of what this might do to him.
Some observations
Episode’s opening quote
was: “The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance observes.” And this one belongs to Sherlock Holmes, or
rather Conan Doyle (‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’).
Why did we need the ‘Two
nights ago’, ‘This evening’ and ‘Just before sunset’ cards?
That was one deep well!
Eve continued playing a detective. She is sneaky with nifty lock-picks
that are her powers and she knows who to share the information with. Smart.
Good. I like Eve.
Few more cases and Monroe will be on police
payroll as a personal Wesen tracker.
Is Trubel still in Singapore? Or
was it Santiago?
She’s missing all the fun.
After missing it many
episodes in a row I finally caught the number in this one – the address of one
of the victims was the number of episode - ‘514 North Adams’.
Memorable Quotes:
Hank: “Yeah,
according to him, he was attacked by an assailant and his dog.”
Wu: “Well,
then it's kind of hard to explain the three different blood types when none of
them are canine.”
Nick: “So
he was attacked by two humans and no dog.”
Hank: “Doesn't
mean he wasn't attacked by a dog, just that the dog didn't bleed.”
Nick: “Or
the dog was Wesen.”
Hank: “So
we got a man and his Wesen loose in the woods?”
Nick: “Well, what if we're
Sean: “Then you'll be
dealing with a raving Lycanthrope in a jail cell.”
Sol’s rating: 3.5, I liked it.
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