Oh, the things we do in the name of love....
This episode seemed to have been about Narcisse, one way or another. Like
predicted, his rule didn’t last, and although he wasn’t behind the plot to frame
Catherine, he went a bit far with his witch hunt. He lost so much by the end
that I felt sorry for him. At the same time he totally deserved it, because the
man just doesn’t have a stop button. The ‘I’ll
be better starting Monday, but today is still Sunday so why don’t I kill my
secretary to protect my secrets’ approach is so wrong, but he doesn’t even
get it. Constantly lying and cheating and still clearly in love with Lola he
seemed to have lost his poker face and became rather sloppy. Since he wasn’t a
part of the conspiracy I guess he will still have his seat in the Council, plus
Catherine has way too much fun with him to let him go, especially now that Lola
is gone.
At the beginning of the series Mary had five ladies in waiting, now she
has none. One was poisoned, two were banished and last one is now being sent to
to play a hostage. It is obviously very dangerous to be that close to the Queen
of Scots. Greer is the only one left, but she doesn’t count since she is not a
lady in waiting anymore but just the Castle Madame.
Mary was put in an awful position in this one, and choosing to do what’s
best for her country i.e. marrying poor brain damaged Don Carlos, she might
just lost another piece of her soul. The way she used him was awful on so many
levels, at least she despised herself as much as we, the audience, did. It was
unbearable to be part of that engagement. One little consolation is that
probably no one would take care of him better than her, especially with all
this guilt.
Sometime towards the end, when it became obvious that Narcisse wasn’t
behind the conspiracy I had a thought that maybe it was Catherine herself. Wild
thought, considering she had to open the coffin with her dead son in it, but it
wasn’t that improbable, because I always remind myself of the awful things
she’s done before, like letting Francis think his son was dead. I was wrong this time, the one willing to
destroy the Valois line was the Duke… of
Guise, I suppose?
Historical bits
You mean, aside from historical inaccuracy that was the engagement of Don
Carlos and Mary and dragging poor Francis’ corpse back and forth?
The oil of vitriol that the cardinal planted in Catherine’s chambers nowadays
is known as sulfuric
Some observations
Bash went
out of his way to help Catherine, quite possibly saving her life. If only he
knew what really happened to his own mother.
reckless of Claude to write down such dangerous things in her diary.
Hats off to
Mark Ghanimé for his spot on performance as Don Carlos.
Claude gave
favorable testimony in exchange of promise to marry whoever she wants. I assume
she had Leith in mind. Now that her testimony
almost had Catherine executed, does it mean the deal is off?
Wardrobe department
The “Best Dress of the week”
Award goes to Catherine. That dress was very royal.
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to Claude, whose dress was not royal at all. The whole
mismatch of colors bugs me every time.
Memorable Quotes:
“Throw those into the fire. Don't inhale the smoke. I can't have another dead
monarch on my hands.”
“The heir to the Spanish throne, he's like a nice potted plant. Just take him
back to
country and water him.”
Sol’s rating: that was a solid 3, what do you
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