The Lost Forever or Not So Good Wife and Caskett
I honestly
can’t remember at least one decent finale over the last 10 years. Dexter was as horrible as those bodies
in plastic sheets dropped in the ocean, True
Blood was equally bloody awful, HIMYM
– was just LOL. I’m flashing back to Buffy
and Angel and Dollhouse. Joss Whedon certainly knows
how to make a decent series finale. He kills off almost everyone in the
process, but the quality of finished product is awesome.
The two
veteran and well-established shows aired their final episodes this May. Let’s
start with the wifey. Well it was not good, like at all. Aside from
disappointing steps they took, that I will not repeat, since you can find them
on any and every blog or TV site, I’d like to point my own biggest regrets.
Watching Alicia replaying the ‘who she’d like to come home to at the end of the
day’ scene, I wished the final one would be a total emptiness. Because she
kinda deserves it. Not in a sense that she is a horrible person and doesn’t deserve
to be happy (although by the end she became intolerable), but because it would
be the right thing to do character wise. She had the husband (Peter), the love
of her life (Will) and a rebound sex fling (Jason). To think Jason was more
than that is ridiculous. Now would be the time for Alicia time, for her to
figure out who is this new woman of her own and where to go from here.
Unfortunately they made her needy, running after a man. That is how I will
remember her.
As for
Castle, the series finale was great or totally awful, depending on how you took
it and how much you’ve heard about the behind-the-scenes mayhem. For me, Castle’s
finale was awesome. Because I decided to tune out of all the ‘Stana not being
asked to come back’ and ‘cancellation’s influence’ and look at the finale as I
knew nothing. It worked perfectly. To me, they both died, holding hands,
flashing back to what could have been. That’s how I took it. Then I read
another theory, that I also liked very much. They got married and had children right
after the pilot and everything we’ve seen over the last years were born out of
the wild imagination that is Richard Castle and Kate was his muse. Also
Lost before being found
Some shows
we lost, others found, some I lost even before I was given a chance to get to know
them better or even meet for the first time.
Like Game of silence for example, I haven’t
even got around to watching a pilot and the show was already cancelled. Should
I even bother getting involved at this point, or should I just go ahead and
delete it? Same with Damien.
As for Containment, I had 5 dates with it –
should I consider date #6, if there is no future whatsoever? Not likely.
Any thoughts?
Found to keep
There were
few shows that I found these year that stayed with me. Amongst those is Blindspot which I didn’t find that exiting
at first, but they drastically picked up the pace in the second part of the
season and finished on rather a high note, by placing tons of mysteries on top
of existing conundrums and tying all that with a little bow. I will definitely
tune in for season two.
Another one
is Quantico. Thought it is ridiculously
unbelievable, and the stories got so convoluted at one point that I was even thinking
of giving up, it was still entertaining enough to finish the season. And to
tune back in this fall.
I’m afraid Colony lost me. I stopped watching at
around episode 6 and just can’t quite bring myself back. Not even for Josh
Holloway. Maybe if there will be a big gap in my viewing program I will come
back to it. But I doubt it – with so many new series coming and continuing it is
hard to find time for something you don’t quite like. I think the ‘wardrobe’
reference applies here nicely. If you don’t wear something for a year, throw it
away, because chances are you won’t wear it at all. ……… And then, one rainy
summer evening I went ahead and finished season one. Surprisingly, I didn’t
urge to turn it off or rewind …. Hm….. I guess this outfit is a keeper.
Why on earth did I find it?
There is a
show that I found and am still wondering why didn’t I loose it right away?
The Girlfriend Experience. Or how I decided to call it a Guide on how to become a call girl.
A student and an intern at the law firm turns
to sex tricks not out of necessity, but rather out of curiosity. What is the
overall message here exactly? Am I wrong to look for one in the wrong place? The
sex scenes take a lot of screen time, and though they are done quite creatively
and esthetically, they seem to be the main character on the show and that is
never good. The dialogue is somewhat nonexistent and though Riley Keough is doing a great job as
the lead (Elvis would be proud… or not), her character is questionable at best.
I really
hope the new season will bring some new and exciting guests into my house… and
some of they might even stay.
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