It was somewhat a silly episode, but I sat through it with a huge smile
on my face. Sometimes it is not about dead coming back to haunt you, it is not
about plots, murders or plague. Every once in a while we do need a light funny
episode or the Reign’s version of it.
It happens sometimes that you watch an episode where nothing major
plot-moving-forward happens, when at the end you basically end up right were
you started, but you enjoy this hour of television nevertheless.
I have a hard time deciding what I loved more - a masterful seduction
lesson by Narcisse or Catherine devouring that ‘freshly killed, well-baked
capon’ like there is no tomorrow. The image of her grabbing it and sinking her
teeth in is forever imprinted in my brain.
The impostors hired by Queen Elizabeth to undermine Mary and Francis' rule were riding through country burning houses, asking for money and telling half-truth stories about life at court and
its inhabitants, and that was a tad bit unrealistic. I mean, come on! Even if the majority
of population doesn’t have an idea of how their king and queen look like, it is
still highly unlikely that someone would mistake this ill-mannered constantly drinking girl for a lady, let alone a queen! Anyway, that was not the point. The point was to
witness wonderful bonding moments that Catherine and Mary shared. Every single
scene they had was an absolute delight.
Lola’s family was a bit harsh disowning her, after all, her child is
King’s son, it should mean something. However the family’s reaction to the
news was maybe the last push that Lola needed on her way to independence. Sure
enough, if she procured some of her money she will be free and “legally, no one will
have right to what is hers”. Except she doesn’t have anything of her own. She
was chasing after her dowry (although it wasn’t really hers but her
father’s) to have some financial independence, only ending up receiving it
thanks to Narcisse. How is that independent? Couple of weeks ago she wouldn’t
go near him and wouldn’t accept anything from him. Look at them now. All it took was a tea, an archery
lesson, an indecent proposal to watch her bathe at midnight
and a butterfly-shaped birthmark. How very oddly romantic and sexy.
Our royal couple is however
not. Francis made an attempt to reconcile with Mary, but couldn’t bring himself
to tell her the actual truth. He may think he’s protecting her by not making
her an accomplice in a murder he committed. That might be true, but this noble
lie is putting more and more distance between them. It was clearly shown when
Francis moved to her to try and explain and then stepped away from her when he couldn’t. At the end they
hugged it out, but has Mary already taken Catherine’s advice? It felt as if she put
on a mask.
Some observations
I just
noticed that Toby Regbo comes fourth in the opening credits after Adelaide Kane,
Megan Follows and Torrance
Coombs… hmmm
Catherine backing up Mary at
the end was surprising and genuine gesture of support she has never shown her
Wardrobe department
The “Best Dress of the week”
Award goes to...
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to….
Memorable Quotes:
Kenna: “Kings
are no guarantee of anything.”
So very true!
“Oh, I may not care about peasants individually. But in general, I care a great
deal. And so
should you. Our gowns, our crowns, our chateaus, they all depend on the good
will of the commoner. For a very good reason. There's 20 million of them, and
one small family of royals. To survive, we must have their love. Thank heavens,
I can buy it.”
Mary: “I
see a village ahead.”
“Thank heavens! Dinner.”
Catherine: “I assume you mean fertility, because other than that, no man has an inkling
Catherine: “I assume you mean fertility, because other than that, no man has an inkling
women's problems.”
“If you find that the crown weighs too heavily, well, then line it with velvet.”
Majesty? Is it true Queen Catherine once threw an entire family of hat-makers
into the dungeon?
Fake Mary:
“Yes, I heard they cheated her, and she nailed their eyes open so they'd always
have to see their deceitful bills!
“Where do these stories come from? It was one man, and I only stretched him a
little. Nails,
indeed. First, you should know he was a terrible, terrible hat-maker.”
Narcisse: “I'd
simply say that midnight is a very fine time for a bath. The world's so quiet
then, you could
almost believe you're the only one in it.”
Mary: “If
I've learned one thing at French court, it's always keep a dagger on you. Poison?
(looking at Catherine)
“Oh, you say that so hopefully now. But sadly, it's not. I don't carry poison
everywhere! I might accidentally kill myself.”
rating: Funny. Good funny. 3 out of 5.
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