Alright, show of hands: How many of you expected Greer to turn on the
runaway bride mode, and more importantly how many of you knew exactly who the
mysterious guy with a small butterfly-shaped birthmark on his forearm is? That
I certainly wasn’t that far off last week when I theorized about Lola and
Narcisse. They are not together yet, but he is courting her and he managed to spark interest, now that she knows he is that skilled "lover who towers above
the rest". He is also quite possibly her only option, since everyone else
seems to run the other way after learning who she is.
Now, I’m for one very happy they offered a reasonable and logical
explanation of all the supernatural things, well, almost all of them. Lord Narcisse,
you crafty bastard! That was a long-con worthy of Neal Caffrey. Bravo! Caroline the nanny was hired by Narcisse to
force Francis to reveal his darkest secret. Now, even though Narcisse isn’t a
devil, he certainly has Francis’s soul. Nicely played. Lord Narcisse is
becoming more and more interesting.
Poor Francis spilled the truth so carelessly! And once again he left Mary
to deal with “monarchy” things and run off chasing the nanny. He doesn’t want
to be anyone’s pawn, yet he behaves like one. As this episode showed he also
prefers to hide from the reality, rather than face it. Francis lives in a bit of
denial, if he thinks that Catholics vs. Protestants is something he can keep
out of France.
Well, Francis, the Massacre of St. Bartholomew might not be here for another 15 years,
but the problem has already risen its ugly face. Catholics and
Protestans are already at war, using rumors and fears and hiding behind the
raiders of hell who brand people with a special mark.
Like I said, I’m glad they cleared these two out of the world sub-plots,
if only now they could find a reasonable explanation as to why and how
Catherine was able to see those children ghosts, it would be great.
Historical bits
Looking at Conde in this one, it
suddenly got to me: why are they calling him “Lord”, and everyone else for that
matter. Yes, “Lord” is a generic term applied to people who hold a title, but in
United Kingdom.
Not France.
I know, they all speak English, but why not use another, more appropriate term?
And who exactly is Lord Conde suppose to be? If he is loosely based on the
historical Louis de Conde, which I think he is, judging his actions and allegiances,
then wouldn’t it be more appropriate to call him Prince? Ok, I’m done.
Some observations
It’s episode 5 and we finally got new opening
credits. Wonderful editing and music, no voiceover, which is a plus… but…. but
something is missing…. like for example, where is Bash? There is not a single
shot of him.
That walk
that Catherine, Kenna and Lola took in the garden discussing the past and
present lovers, guessing who is who, was such a delight for some reason.
Wardrobe department
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to….
The “Best Dress of the week”
Award goes to
This dress was simple, yet
very charming.
Memorable Quotes:
“Henry died. I live.”
“Punishing equal crimes equally... it's a lovely idea, but no one will thank
you for it.”
Greer: “I've
spent my life grasping for security, safety. I've lived in fear of the future, of
what people might think of me and how that could help or hurt me and my family.
But you offer something more interesting, something more challenging. You stand
by your convictions and principles, you strive to make the world what it should
be, not insulate yourself from it.”
Well said!
We didn’t get to hear their vows, but that was beautiful.
Sol’s rating: I extremely liked this episode, so 4 out of 5.
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