Grimm: 4x05 “Cry Luison”

“A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.”

Juliette: “ You need to be a Grimm again.”

Don't get me wrong, I like Theresa a lot, I do, but it's about time Nick got his Grimm powers back. 

Reign: 2x07 “The Prince of the Blood”

Lola: “What is it about you and baths?” 

What is it, indeed? 

Grimm: 4x04 “Dyin' on a Prayer”

“Oh, remember that you fashioned me from clay! Will you then bring me down to dust?”

Nick: “Uh-oh.”
Monroe: "No, no, hear us out, and then you can "uh-oh.""

That was literally the best part of an episode. I wish we have spent more time focusing on the main problems instead of ping-ponging all over the place. I know they can’t tell us all the answers right away, otherwise the season will be extremely short. I just wish we had more scenes at Spice Shop, those were so much fun. I wish we had more Sean, he had nowhere near enough screen time. At least the case of the week wasn't boring and the next episode shapes to be much better.

Grimm: 4x03 “Last Fight”

“Stars, hide your fire; let not light see
my black and deep desires”
Theresa: “That's right, dude. Grimm here.”

I don’t know why, but when I heard the title of this episode I thought it would be the last fight for Trubel. Why? I have no idea. Instead we got a quite possibly a bright dark future for her in Grimm-type covert ops. Talk about Grimm recruitment process.

Reign: 2x06 “Three Queens”

Catherine: “It is a masterful exploitation of a weakness.”

It was somewhat a silly episode, but I sat through it with a huge smile on my face. Sometimes it is not about dead coming back to haunt you, it is not about plots, murders or plague. Every once in a while we do need a light funny episode or the Reign’s version of it.

Reign: 2x05 “Blood for Blood”

Francis: “The throne doesn't judge what a man believes in his heart. We only judge what he does with his hands.” 

Alright, show of hands: How many of you expected Greer to turn on the runaway bride mode, and more importantly how many of you knew exactly who the mysterious guy with a small butterfly-shaped birthmark on his forearm is? That many?

Grimm: 4x02 “Octopus Head”

“A Man’s real possession is his memory.
In nothing else is he rich,
In nothing else is he poor.”
Nick: “Be careful!”
Trubel: “I know. I'm the only Grimm in town.”

She might be the only Grimm in town, but she is not the police. After she confirmed the suspect is Wesen, there was no reason why Hank and Nick couldn't run the surveillance themselves. Instead they left her there with no car, no money, no weapon (granted, she doesn't need one), so she could do their police work for them. Come on! 

Reign: 2x04 “The Lamb and the Slaughter”

Kenna: “We were forced to be together anyway. What a surprising journey that was.”

You can judge by the lateness of this review how very unimpressed I was with this episode.

The theme of this one was people forcing themselves to do things they didn’t want. That usually isn’t pretty.