This episode aired weeks ago, and I couldn’t bring myself to write about
it. I tried, really tried and failed every time. It took all the will power and
then some to finally look through my notes and try to understand why was I so disappointed in this one despite some great moments.
After a couple of strong episodes it’s only natural to dial it down a bit, but I failed to stay focused during this one. So many things happened, so many different things happened to different people, it was difficult to keep tabs. Overall, the episode felt disjointed.
What was it about? Bash’s struggle because he has to do bad things for
the greater good? Francis betting on love while pushing Bash to do bad things
for the greater good? Or was it about poor Conde who has not only been branded again,
but also is caught between his perv of a cousin and his love for Mary? Like I
said many things happened.
When I heard the words “mark of the dark riders” I said out loud: “Not
again”. It wasn’t, thankfully. The bodies of Protestants were branded
afterwards, so yet another Cardinal visiting castle would assume it’s some sort
of secret seal, a pledge amongst Protestants. Therefore anyone bearing the mark
is automatically deemed a traitor.
Conde escaping in Mary’s carriage, them attending the bizarre party
worthy of Caligula, them running back to castle wasn’t as entertaining as
Francis and Bash playing with fire. Did you notice how different their approach
was? Bash was hoping Cardinal loves his cleric enough to call off the hunt, but
Francis, he did his homework. He questioned servants first so when he
was playing with the life of an innocent person he was betting on a sure thing.
The plan worked. The only thing I wonder is would it still have worked if Cardinal
didn’t learn about the set up. It seemed to me that he wasn’t going to cave in,
and did so only after finding out the King himself has set this up. So Francis’
plan might have gone either way. I still loved it.
I like Francis, more now, when he is so haunted
and Toby is conveying it so well, it’s mesmerizing.
Keeping in fire in Mary’s room is certainly not
in the King’s job description. It made watching him grasping at straws and trying
to get close to Mary that much harder. Mary definitely exaggerated a bit in her
decision to live separately, and I think she is realizing it now. Especially
after finding Francis sound asleep with his child and Lola. You could actually physically
feel the distance of thousands of miles between them.
My dear, Claude you are a spoiled brat and one of a kind. Hurting the
woman who just saved you from a certain and, I assume, painful death is not how
gratitude works. Part of me wanted Catherine to finish her off.
Catherine and her ghosts situation seemed to have come to an end. I’m
still not sure how and why it works, but I have a theory. It’s Catherine’s
guilt that made her see the ghosts of her daughters, and all that was needed for them to go away was for her to forgive Claude. The second she did it, they vanished. Could it be that simple?
Catherine never confronted Claude about the murder. Well, she probably
should have long ago. As it turned out Claude didn’t even know, or rather
remember killing the twins. Is it possible that Catherine was wrong all along?
Historical bits
They are painting the portrait of Antoine, King of Navarre, pretty close
to original.
Some observations
Mary didn't like much to hear that Conde slept with
another woman. How could he? He is in love with Mary! Her reaction was
almost jealous. Are they pushing us to Conde-Mary romance? Not sure how I feel
about this.
When King Antoine was playing cupid I was wondering if Greer and Leith will be called to the sea bed. I guess there wasn’t the time or
the place. We can wait.
Wardrobe department
The “Best Dress of the week” Award goes to Mary
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to Kenna
Memorable Quotes:
Greer: “Many
things can be forced out of duty. But not the heart.”
Bash: “I
know that he and Randall are lovers; it's the worst kept secret in France.”
Cardinal Perazzo:
“Congratulations. You've used your knowledge of the heart's noblest emotion to
manipulate and destroy someone.”
rating: Loved some parts. Didn't like others. Overall 2 out of 5.
If you haven't heard yet the good news, here it is: the CW renewed Reign for a third season!
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