There were few surprises in this one, only they weren’t that much
surprising if you follow the series and know the characters.
Who knew that Antoine was the one poisoning Henry? Every single one of
you? Well it was very obvious. Duke of Guise, guest of honor (or not so much)
at the castle this week, returned to try his luck with Catherine. I was
laughing out loud the whole time he was ‘proposing’ to her. Did he really think
he stood a chance? Knowing what really happened his proposal might have been
viewed as a second part of his plan: part one - kill the king, part two – marry
the queen. Only everything was so nicely tied up that it was clear there was a
set up. And who other than Antoine could do it? Our own conniving bastard
Narcisse. He got the gold and removed the competition for Catherine’s not
heart. No surprise there, they practically gave him the power – he would have been
an idiot not to take it. I mean how reckless it was of Catherine to invite
Narcisse to a family luncheon? He is not family, and even if he was the one who
figured out about the poison, he shouldn’t have been there. Not after what he
The Royal Dinner to catch Conde off guard and force him to confess was another
misstep. Francis and Mary achieved exactly the thing they were trying to avoid.
Conde has always been true friend to them, and by accusing him they turned him
into an enemy. Almost, because later, as he remembered about that valet, he
realized that their accusations were founded and true.
It was a smart move on Conde’s part to bring up Marcus’ death at the
royal dinner, thus securing Bash’s safety. Unfortunately, as Antoine mentioned,
there are other ways to destroy a man. Of course he meant Kenna. One can only
hope she really has changed. She is handling the situation quite well for now.
We’ll see.
Solely for laughter, let’s talk about Greer. She was not hiding in Leith chambers. She lives now in the Inn
(In the village? In Paris?).
No money, no job. At least she is optimistic. Drunk, but optimistic. Considering
who was her neighbor at the Inn, I was afraid
she will fall to that as well, thankfully she ended up not selling herself just
pimping out others. That wasn’t her intention, but at least she got herself a
Oh, well let’s talk about
it, since there is no way to avoid it. Mary realized and admitted that her
feelings for Conde are much deeper than she thought. How about that? We had a
very powerful moment between the two at end. One that can be interpreted either
way. I certainly hope it’s not the end. They have a very interesting chemistry,
I’d like to see it play out, but like she said there are lots of very
legitimate reasons why they can’t be together.
Historical bits
Antoine said he and Jeanne were unhappy and
she didn’t want him around. In real life she was much in love with him. A contemporary
of Jeanne said of her that she had "no pleasure or occupation except in
talking about or writing to [her husband]. She does it in company and in
private . . . the waters cannot quench the flame of her love". But exactly
as portrayed here, Antoine de Navarre was quite a philanderer and has shown
little loyalty to her.
The illness Jeanne suffers from here, as described by Antoine, is very similar to what really happened to her, only the timing is wrong. She is supposed to be alive for a lot longer.
Some observations
Like Antoine said arsenic poisoning is undetectable when administered over a long period of time.
A metallic taste in the mouth (like Catherine had) is a symptom associated with severe cases of arsenic poisoning. She is certainly lucky.
De Guise mentioned that “few live past 40”
reminding us that the life span back then was very low.
We got ourselves another romantic proclamation
of love. This week it was Conde’s turn! Find it below in the quotes section.
Wardrobe department
The “Best Dress of the week”
Award goes to Kenna
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to Mary
Memorable Quotes:
“I crave sweets. Everything else tastes like metal.”
Conde: “I
have to fight every instinct I have pulling me toward you. When I'm near you, I
am aware of every breath you take. And when I'm away, even the wind in the
trees reminds me of you.”
Antoine: “Well,
they won't see you coming, will they?”
Narcisse: “Not
this time.”
Sol’s rating: 3 out of 5.
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