“May the God of Vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked.”
Monroe: “What is right is my love for my wife, and her love for me. That you will
never be able to destroy.”
Monroe: “As long as you're not coming on
the actual honeymoon with us, we're good.”

Boy, this was good! In fact
I don’t remember loving that much any other episode of Grimm.
I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s start with the hate group with over
the top fondness for dramatics. This Riken character must have been bored to
death in prison. It seemed however that no one amongst the Weserein took this masquerade
as seriously as him. They were just playing along and were ready to kill Monroe right there and
then. Him and Bud.
Despite the very obvious threat I wasn’t worried about Monroe, but I was sort of scared for Bud. Being
a supportive character and a comic relief when needed, he is somewhat expendable.
I love Bud, so I’m happy he survived. I don’t think the fans would ever forgive
the writers had they killed him. But, yeah, I was worried.
The charges against Monroe
were 1. Marrying outside his bloodline and 2. Befriending of a Grimm. Guilty on
both counts. :) Even being sure that he’ll survive, seeing
them treating Monroe
like the worst kind of criminal was not something I liked. Seeing how Weserein
were holding this tribunal very much by the book I was expecting them to give Monroe the floor and
couldn’t wait to hear him rip this joke of a court to pieces. That speech he
gave was spot on and worthy of the character (find it below in the quote
The salty goodness that is Sergeant Wu’s new life continued…. I’m glad
they decided to choose Bud for a Wesen-woger-therapy. Had it been the Captain,
Wu might have died from a heart attack. His fear mixed with curiosity was a
delight to watch. That whole scene was a LOL moment.
Wu is very good at interrogating suspects, they should let him do it more
often. The way he handled officer Acker was very fearless and professional. When
Acker woged he didn’t even blinked. Well he might have blinked but he punched the
bastard in the lying face right at the same moment. He handled it even better
in the woods, he didn’t freeze and pulled the trigger. I absolutely love how he
is amazed every time someone woges, even when he expects them to. It’s like
every time it happens he still can’t quite believe it. Kinda like children and
This time Rosalee and
Juliette didn’t waste time. Whole running through lists of names - with Bud’s
help - yielded the result. They made a connection to officer Acker’s sister and
therefore gave Nick and Co. a leverage they needed.
So, the transformation into Hexenbiest is very grueling and those who are
made and not born are more deadly. Juliette becomes more and more interesting
by the minute. Her changing to Hexenbiest and back seemed more under control. That jerk-what’s his name that had her pinned down in the
woods didn’t expect her to be a worthy opponent. Boy, was he in for a surprise!
As was Sean when Juliette came to him for help. His face when she turned was absolutely
priceless. It made sense her coming to Sean. Who else would have the
knowledge to be able to help her? Can't wait what's next!
Some observations
Wu eating fries over ancient books made me want to smack him on the head. I
understand that for him those are like fairy tales, scary, but fairy nevertheless,
and one might need comfort food for that, but still.
Bud’s name is Rupert Ferdinand Wurstner. I don’t think we knew that!
“The removal of the mask is a sentence of guilt” – I bet no one has ever
kept the mask on.
The episode was so amazing that I totally missed the number of the
episode. If you caught it, let me know in the comments.
Loved how the group tossed their badges and handbags in the trunk before
going into the woods.
Loved how Rosalle killed Riken. He deserved it.
Wu researching wesen at the trailer was very in a character.
Memorable Quotes:
Bud (describing
the woge process): “The way it happens. Well,
it happens in a lot of ways. Not always the same, but usually... usually in the
usual way. … I can't woge. I'm not feeling it. I don't know why. It's... This
has never happened to me before. I won't, I just, especially in a situation
like this, when you know you have to. Oh, no. I prematured again.”
Wu (after
that): “Do it again.”
LOL again.
Bud: “How
long have I known the defendant? Well, let me see. It depends on what you mean
by "known." Did you mean it in the sense of "Have I met him
before?" "Do I see him around town?
Is he a
customer? "Have I repaired a refrigerator or an air-conditioning
unit?" Because we don't get many calls for air-conditioning in Portland. Or do you mean
it in a more familiar. "I've had dinner with him on more than one
occasion," or "He picked up the check, or I picked up the
check." Do we exchange gifts at Christmas, kind of relationship, or... I
forgot the question.”
“Grimm” wouldn’t be the same without Bud.
Monroe: “You call this a Tribunal? Well, I
got a problem with that, because a Tribunal implies that you have the authority
to judge, and in order to judge you have to know the difference between right
and wrong. And you don't, because this is wrong. And whatever you do to any of
us will never make it right, and it will not change anything. What is right is
my love for my wife, and her love for me. That you will never be able to
Nick: “You
won't even know we're there.”
Hank: “We'll
blend right in.”
I’d love to see that.
rating: Do you even have to ask? 5 out of 5!
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