I always avoid spoilers, but
I caught a glimpse of Olivia’s return on some of the sites and quite honestly
was dreading this episode. After such a strong previous episode it is naturally
to dial things down a bit, but having an episode centered on Olivia didn’t
sound good at all. What a nice surprise that it wasn’t. She had very little
screen time, and when she had some she was mostly out of it. What we had
instead was a fantastic episode; bad decisions, hurt feelings,
harsh words and even some deaths, so it was no where near “light”, but I was smiling like an idiot throughout this
whole Bohemian affair. Catherine was spectacular as usual, and of course we had
our love triangle that is a triangle no more, except it sort of still is.
Henry: “I'd forgotten what
it was like working with you instead of against you.”
Catherine: “You're very charming, when you're not trying to kill me.”
Catherine: “You're very charming, when you're not trying to kill me.”
Henry might have forgotten,
but we weren’t there to see it at all. I wish we were. At least we had a glimpse of how things were before. This was a second time our loving/hating couple was reminiscing about their past together when things were good between them. First one was all about love and hurt feelings, here we had them covering up an unfortunate murder. How very 15th century of them! Henry coming to Catherine for
help was so in the character. How many husbands seek help from their wives when
they accidently throw their mistress out of the window? He was like a little
boy guilty of stealing apples, and she was like a rock of wisdom. They do make
a great couple, regardless of whether they are trying to kill each other or
help each other.
Having so many potions and
what not in her cabinet I have a hard time believing Catherine wouldn’t know
how to rub off a blood stain, but that whole scene, where King and Queen of
France were puzzled over laundry mystery while cleaning the balcony near the
dead body was such a hoot, that I am willing to let it slide.
Two months have passed and unfortunately we
were deprived of happy honeymoon in “Paris,
Anet, and every castle from here to the Loire Valley.”
One day back and there is already some tension. I completely
understand Francis being angry with Bash showing up in Mary’s chambers and I don’t
think he ordered to kill him. After all, he gave Bash a fair warning. Francis was also
right when he talked about trust. Even if Mary says she trusts him, she obviously has some
doubts. That can't be good.
How oddly uncomfortable and
amusing the conversation between Catherine and Mary was, when Catherine tried
to help Mary conceive a child with some of untraditional medicine. Sadly, Mary
might turn to those extreme measures, since she is still without a child after
two months (and even longer if we count the first time they slept together all
these weeks? months? ago). Of course Lola’s pregnancy certainly doesn’t make
this situation easier.
Poor Bash, he still thinks
he can get Mary back. That train is long gone. He was there when it happened. I hate to see him so heart broken, I want him
to be happy. Now, that new girl is a promising love interest for him. She wears
pants, hunts boars and she is beautiful and smart, come to think of it she is
perfect for Bash. The attraction was off the charts here, so I would love to see
where this is going and I’m sure I will. There’s no way they will ship Bash
Last we saw of Olivia she
was trapped by Clarissa in the tunnels. How long has she been there? How long
has she been wondering in the woods? Had she gone mad in the tunnels or because
something or someone was using her as breakfast? Those bite marks were unusual,
and they [thankfully] didn’t look like vampire bites. We have enough of those
in plenty other shows out there. Even though I don't care about Olivia at all, this was a nice way to reintroduce
the theme of ‘something malignant’ in the woods. Plus, right when we resolved one
prophecy (kind of), there is another one. “The Darkness. It's coming. And it
will take us all.” The choice of characters shown as Olivia was saying these
words was very interesting. We had Nostradamus, Catherine, Lola and Mary (while
Francis was sound asleep – I guess one prophecy is enough for one life time).
What does it mean? I’m sure this choice was deliberate.
Historical bits
Henry compared
himself to a lion while suggesting the text of the suicide note that Catherine
was forging. In one of his quatrains predicting Henry’s death Nostradamus also
compared him to a lion:
CI, Q 35 The young lion shall overcome the older one,
on the field of combat in single battle,
He shall pierce his eyes in a golden cage,
Two forces one, then he shall die a cruel death.
on the field of combat in single battle,
He shall pierce his eyes in a golden cage,
Two forces one, then he shall die a cruel death.
Some observations
Was Francis
somewhat jealous when Mary mentioned of a suitor for Lola?
Is there
anyone who Henry hadn’t slept with? It is a rhetorical question.
Who could have predicted that a Duchess of Bohemia can't write?
Hats off to Megan Follows for brilliant performance.
Memorable Quotes:
Bash: “You
don't believe there's a dark, malignant power in the woods?”
“Nature is not malignant. Nature doesn't care. Only humans are malignant. There's
nothing evil in the woods. Unless it comes from us.”
Henri: “Only
the two of us. No servants, no... trusted advisors.”
“Don't try to school a professional, Henry.”
Henri: “Why
is this so difficult? Our clothes go away dirty and they come back clean... How
do they do it?”
“I don't know. They take them to the laundry, and... they dip them in
“Now, all we have to do is get her back to her chambers, and... toss her out of
the proper window. Oh, this was my favorite coverlet.”
Henri: “Add
it to the list of my debts to you.”
Henri: “Describe
him as...ruggedly handsome, with the... sexual prowess of a lion.”
Catherine: (chuckles)
“Oh, you were serious.”
“Your Majesties, excuse me, but there's something you need to know. One of my
patients, not fully in control of their faculties, lashed out and... stabbed
Father Leduc with his own crucifix. He's dead.”
“That's awful. But not now.”
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