Grimm: 3x13 "Revelation"

“Still, after a short time the family’s distress again worsened, 
and there was no relief anywhere in sight.”
Monroe: “Oh, what, you got a few more cultural clichés for me to live by, or what?”

Nick lives! So do Monroe’s parents! Not that I was worried that any of them would get eaten up.  Did you? To be honest I wasn’t thinking much of that last scene of the previous episode because it seemed it aired ages ago.

He is a vegetarian, friends with Grimm and engaged to Fuchsbau – Monroe must be a total disappointment in the eyes of his parents who follow the rules to the letter AND believe in those rules. How they managed to raise a son like Monroe is a mystery to me.

Monroe was really upset about his parents’ reaction, but he had to have known they would react this way. Without giving them any kind of heads-up, did he really think it would go smoothly? He is about to enter into a mixed marriage and he fights on Grimm’s side, no wonder his parents went ballistic. However I got a feeling that he was far more upset with Nick, who once again came because he needed something. Yes, the series is called “Grimm”, not “Monroe and Nick”, so no one expect them to sit on a porch and talk about life, however I do get where Monroe is coming from. Nick only comes to him if and when he needs some wesen-related information, but at the same time he is not just using Monroe for info, those two are friends who saved each other’s life probably more than they can count, and quite frankly all Nick's relationship on the series one way or another revolve around all things Grimm. Having said all that, I do miss Monroe/Nick dynamic of the early seasons.

Moving on. Stefania is working for Prince Victor. Did they just make it up? I could swear he didn’t know about the baby until he caught Adalind applying that death cream on her belly. It does however make sense, who else would pay more for this child than the royal family itself. I still don’t understand though what is the deal with the royal baby; if anything it could be considered as a threat to anyone holding power these days. 

Sean managed to save Adalind, but in doing so he completely exposed Sebastian. Now that Victor and Stefania will be searching for a traitor, I worry they might find him. Plus, if they catch Adalind, she would sell him out in a second. Unless she won’t have a chance, now that baby is about to be born and “change the world”, if I’m right in assuming that this baby is that “something really bad, that comes next” according to Monroe’s dad. We got the confirmation that it is not Adalind’s powers, it’s the baby’s, so it could potentially be interesting. Wild guess is they will do it a la “Falling skies” and the baby will be an adult by the end of the next episode. Otherwise it could get very boring very quickly.

Last but not least… no, scratch that, the very least, the killer or more accurately killers. How come there were two of them and then three? I though the more scalps he takes the stronger he gets, how did that turned into more killers? Did I miss some explanation? Quite possibly I did, since during the whole Monroe's speech about “needing to know who Nick is dealing with” and “it being really bad” and “nothing like they have ever encountered” I kept thinking “I heard it all before”. Lately it seems like every other perpetrator is always believed to be a myth, or impossible, or out of fairy tales. What happened to good old regular Wesen? I like it when case of the week involves some wesen that we already know; it adds a personal touch to a story. In other words, please bring Bud back!

Anyway, Nick went Dalila on “the most dangerous wesens he ever met” and killed them by cutting off their hair, wrapping this whole investigation nicely and in a way that made sense. When they drag the story over two episodes that air like month apart, it is hard to stay in a momentum. So I almost didn’t pay attention to the case details, but Monroe’s dad helping in that final fight was a lot of fun, as was the fight itself. Monroe and Nick discussing strategy under truck was a hoot.

I liked that even thought all our heroes (except for Hank) kissed and made up and were having a civilized dinner, Monroe’s dad is still adjusting to his son’s life, it felt believable.

Some observations  

Sebastian and Sean’s entire conversation was in English, I bet they are tired of subtitling.

I think they should have made Juliette a historian, the things the girl is able to find on the Internet, as opposed to Nick who doesn’t but who is a detective and has the same Internet at his disposal, make for a silly storytelling. Including her into the story just for the sake of including her into a story is lazy. They could as easily have Nick or Hank dig it up and Juliette still had things to do in the episode. End of a rant.

The Verrat agent that came after Adalind really deserved to die horribly for kicking a pregnant woman!

Vertrautheiten – is when different kind of wesen do… what exactly? Sniff each other out? Kiss? What was that? For a second there I was worried for Rosalle, she is so adorable in her Fuchsbau form, whereas Monroe’s mom as Blutbad is not.

Monroe’s parents stayed in room 313.

Memorable Quotes:

Bart: “These mixed marriages never work.”
Monroe: “We are not living 100 years ago.”
Bart: “There are reasons we stick to these rules.”
Monroe: “Yeah. Ignorance and bigotry.”

Monroe: “So we're talking about a Samson and Delilah-type haircut?”

Sol’s rating: 2.5 out of 5

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