Last week I asked – “What’s next?” Apparently (and logically) the next
one must be a filler episode and it was. But it was a very good one.
The entire premise is somewhere there next to ‘going back in time and
kill Hitler discourse’ and was built on the eternal question. Well, at least
one of them. If you could, would you? And more importantly “Should you?” Is
killing a baby a right choice if you know about all of the monstrosities he
will do later? Not only know, but vividly experience. The Wesen of the week was
a very tortured soul, I mean, imagine living with something like this is the
literal hell.
I kind of liked that our heroes didn’t wonder much about ‘whats’ and
‘ifs’ and just did what they were supposed to do… for the time being, hoping
things will turn out differently. Hoping is the key word here. We only had one
example of a bad outcome. Part of me wished that jerk of a husband would see
the monster too and realize his wife wasn’t crazy. If he did maybe that
could’ve saved the entire family later. Who knows… I for one love think that
future is not set in stone, that we do have some resemblance of a choice. Or
maybe fake Harry was right on The Flash
this week and “Future’s fixed.”
Moving on…
Diana was having an accommodation shock, forced to live in a loft where
lots of people died and not in daddy’s mansion. Loved that Nick and Adalind are
slowly starting to talk about what her abilities are, because it is unsettling
– so much power in a hands of a little girl. The conversation was rather short
and more about stating the obvious rather than trying to figure it out, but
it’s a start. I loved Diana bonding with her father. She was sweet and chatty
and on the way to being daddy’s spy. I was disappointed in Sean, who was
manipulating her daughter and didn’t even hide it. Bad Captain, no biscuit.
I didn’t really get the appeal of Eve sitting this one out in the
tunnels... until I figured out that she wasn’t just sitting there, but actually
trying to understand the centuries old mystery that everyone else are so eager
to dismiss as something just healing and magical. However she should be more
careful with opening that door. Now she looks mad writing all this stuff on the
walls. I hope it is temporary. Oh yeah, and Nick can feel the stick for miles
away. This can’t be good.
Some observations
Episode’s opening quote
was: “Foretold our fate, by the gods’ decree, all heard and non believed the
prophecy.” That is what
Vergil wrote about Cassandra. The things I learn watching Grimm.
Yep, unfortunately Meisner
IS dead. I knew it, but you never know…
So Rosalle is expecting twins? Or triplets? One Fuchsbau, one Blutbad, one human… That “more than one” sounded
tiny bit creepy.
El Cuegle had three eyes, which we got an explanation for - one eye sees
the past, the other sees the present and the third one – the future, but why
three hands? Sure it comes in handy when you need to hold a baby …. but there was no explanation …
Memorable Quotes:
Sean: “It's
an ancient Hexenbiest shapeshifting spell called the Verfluchte
You have a
lot of experience with the Verfluchte Zwillingsschwester?”
Seriously it can’t get any harder to pronounce…
I really wonder who many takes it took Sasha to say it twice … I bet there is a
gag reel somewhere.
Nick: “"The
Evil El Cuegle stalks mothers "and kidnaps their newborn babes. He keeps
them for the Hours of Dread."
Monroe: “ What are the Hours of Dread?”
Rosalee: “And
how many are there?”
Hank: “Well,
how many babies can one guy eat?”
Wu: “Is that
a real question or a riddle?”
Rosalee: “You
know that saying, "Waiting for the other shoe to drop"?”
Monroe: “I do. It surfaced in the late
19th century when people started moving to big cities and living
on top of each other in these massive apartment buildings, where night after
night after night they had this shared experience where the tenants would hear
their neighbors, like, by the
thousands, come home after work, sit down, take off one shoe, drop it on the
floor, right? Then
there'd be this pause between the first shoe and the second, where the
downstairs neighbor would cover
their ears... Waiting... For the other shoe to drop. We live in a world full
of, you know,
people with shoes. I mean, several pairs
each, and so we can't go through life with our ears covered or our eyes. We
have to just be prepared for that... other shoe. No matter where we are.”
How come Monroe
always knows what to say?
Hank: “Anything
you say or eat will be used against you in the court of law.”
Sol’s rating: I loved it - solid 4 and a half!
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