I must say, this was more
fun, than anything else.
Episode title made me think of a ‘seven years bad luck’ curse, which is
totally appropriate since our wesen this week got distracted by a pretty
face and barely survived off her skinny body for seven years. Now, that is the
sentence you don’t usually read, let alone write. Fascinating, isn't it?
It was entertaining to say the least; a gorgeous party loving wesen kills
once every seven years, then goes under ground with his victim. For a life loving creature
and romantic that he was that must have been a torture. An unexpected and cool
way he was taken out made me laugh out loud. Not only the lady was the ugliest
woman-wesen (what exactly was she?) we have seen, but also the irony of the
whole situation. It was really hilarious. No wonder she wasn’t afraid to go on
a walk under the stars with a handsome stranger. She was quite capable of
defending herself.
Sean is still being tortured, but at least we now know that all this
haunting is not in his head, he literally does have a spirit attached to him.
Meisner’s spirit. That’s all I understood, because I have no clue what happened
in that magic shop while Sean was in that ridiculous chamber a la Jules Verne.
Is Meisner’s spirit now in the owner of that shop? Was he even real? How
did Sean get dressed again? Or was it all just a hallucination? Is Sean imagining
all this and simply going mad? Considering Meisner’s words at the end we should think so.
But I am still struggling to understand what exactly is the point of all this
haunting? Are we to believe it is Sean’s guilty conscience? Are they trying to
redeem him like that? The only thing I know for sure I don’t like it. Sean as
an enemy, as painful as it was, at least made a tiny bit of sense and the story
had potential. Now, what is he? Back to being a captain and loosing his mind as
a bonus. I would really like the writers not to screw up this character even
In line with things that don’t make sense was Eve living in tunnels (for
God knows how long). What is the point here exactly? She touched the stick and
it made her see things and scratch them on tunnels walls, but what is the point
if Diana - casually over breakfast - was drawing the exact same things? Diana
has a much deeper connection to hell, dead and well, pretty much all that.
Speaking of death, it hasn’t registered with me that Nick actually
died. The stick didn’t protect him from bullets; he really died and then was
brought back to life. What does this mean exactly? That in addition to
being a zombie he is now a walking talking dead? Very interesting. I would love
for writers to dive into all those powers, not only Diana’s, but Nick’s as well. At
least he still got his excellent hearing.
Some observations
Episode’s opening quote - as is its title - is from a 1955
movie “Seven years itch” - the
funniest comedy since laughter began!
Diana’s freaky dolls collection is disturbing.
I bet that was the fastest grave digging anyone ever seen!
So Rosalee and Monroe are having a ‘okey, okey and okey’. What fun!
Memorable Quotes:
Nick: “Check
to see if there were any reports of a naked man in a park some time last night.”
Wu: “Uh,
this is Portland.
I might have to narrow that down.”
Hank: “So
he either came to the park fully clothed and was robbed of everything he had, or
he came to the park with no clothes and was killed for no personal gain.”
Meisner: “A
mind is a terrible thing to lose.”
Sol’s rating: 3 for tragic gorgeous wesen.
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