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“It is not more surprising to be born twice than once;
everything in nature is resurrection”
My prediction last week
about Nick getting cured and everything going back to normal was a bust. Yes,
he was cured but with what it seems the weirdest side effect ever. And yes,
everything looked like it was back to normal, only it wasn’t.
Nick in his zombie state took
an innocent life, yes he was not aware of what he was doing and he wasn’t
himself, and as Sean said the guy had a knife (though I don’t think a rifle
would have made any difference), still someone had died and there’s no going
back from that. Not to mention that poor family Nick attacked. No one got
killed there, but I bet those kids were traumatized for life. And as if that
wasn’t enough Nick also hit Juliette. Now that he didn’t have to know about. I
was skeptical as to for how long they thought they could hide from Nick the
fact that he killed someone, considering his own precinct is investigating the
case, but I think it was wrong of Hank to tell Nick about hitting Juliette. I
realize he was trying to stop Nick from confessing using everything he had, but
it felt below the belt and he could’ve hold on that piece of information.
Didn’t Nick gone through enough? Didn’t both Juliette and Nick gone through
enough last season? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how Nick deals with all
that in the episodes to come.
On to a zombie outbreak,
which thankfully is now completely over, four episodes was very much enough. Zombie-Nick
wasn’t scarier than the others who have been infected, but he was certainly the
strongest. Both Monroe and Sean were in their pure supernatural form, yet Nick
was tossing them around like cards. That whole chase and fight were simply
fantastic. If it wasn’t for that potion in a huge medieval syringe they
wouldn’t stand a chance.
As much as I don’t like
Juliette, I was kind of worried something might happen to her, because there is
obviously something is still very wrong with Nick. Him turning so pale and
visually very dead and then gaining color and coming back to life was probably
more terrifying than him being a zombie. Is he still a zombie? A zombie-like?
What is he now? Not only it happened when he was sleeping, but also when he’s
awake… Very interesting!
Moving on… Show of hands! How many of you knew
it was Captain Renard who destroyed the surveillance in the bar? Everyone? Yes,
that’s what I thought. It was pretty obvious, wasn’t it? Yet we wasted about 2
minutes showing us exactly how he did it. Again, the writers don’t seem to
think we are capable to put 2 and 2 together.
On to another Renard. Please
tell me Eric outsmarted them all and is still alive! I like this character very
much and James Frain is such an excellent actor, it would be a shame to loose
him. Seeing that he (the actor) has moved to Sleepy Hollow it might be
problematic to get him back, but one can hope. We didn’t learn nearly enough
about Eric to say goodbye so early. We didn’t see enough of confrontation
between the two brothers to just let it go. Plus if Eric has truly died in that
car explosion then the whole twist of whose baby Adalind is carrying looses
half of the appeal if not all it.
Speaking of Adalind - her
journey on the way to Hexenbiest form has been disgusting at best, and it keeps
on coming. Still couldn’t decide what was more of a yak factor to me, seeing
Nick being stabbed with that huge syringe (I’m talking about the second time,
where we could see everything in detail), or Adalind sewing up poor late Frau
Pech – as much as I don’t syringes, Adalind wins.
Some observations
credits are much longer than in season two. I still prefer the short version.
We’ll see.
hearing the statuette (or whatever it was) flying his way and him catching it!
How cool was that! That might be my favorite scene in the episode.
I didn’t get
any numbers indicating 3x02. The only number I did catch was in the address of
that family Nick attacked – 642. If you did catch the number of the episode let
me know in the comments.
precious was Hank’s face expression when both Monroe and Sean morphed.
Hank: “I
wish I could do that!”
Juliette and Hank are the only ones in the group who don’t have any
supernatural strength.
We got
introduced to Sean’s mother over the phone, I guess it won’t be long enough
until we see her in person.
Eric was a
crown prince of Kronenberg family – did we hear the name already? I don’t think
Memorable Quotes:
Nick: “Were you all in an
Monroe: “Of a sort”
Nick: “Being under the
influence isn't a very good defense.
Monroe: “Under the influence of what you were under the influence of... that's different.”
Sean: “We were chasing down infected
suspects, one of them was identified as Thomas Schirach, and you two were there
because you had a treatment that was effective.”
Monroe: “See? Not so bad. Some of it's true.”
Monroe: “One zombie romp every generation or so was plenty.”
(I’m with Monroe on this one)
This is more like it. This
is what season premiere should have been.
What do you
think about this one? Loved it? Not as much? So so?
Feel free
to comment below.
rating: 4 out of 5
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