Grimm: 4x19 “Iron Hans”

“He had killed man, the noblest game of all, and he had killed in the face of the law of club and fang.”

Sean: “I honestly don't think this can get any more complicated.”

Sometimes I loose faith in Grimm, like when the episodes focus on something very remote from the main plot and I sometimes wonder why is it that I still watch this show, let alone review it. Well, it’s the episodes like this one. I know Grimm is capable of delivering something more complex than poor standalones and when it does it’s worth the wait.

The case of the week focused on wesen camp for boys. What a brilliant idea to have something like that to help boys transform with full knowledge of what’s going on and with support from their fathers. If only they weren’t so sexist in doing so. The only sister left at home to do the women’s work, neglected by her father, without proper guidance has turned to the natural and easy side of her being. If it wasn’t for Monroe, the family wouldn’t even know what’s going on.

I absolutely loved Monroe giving the speech to young wesen about the duality of their nature, the instincts and urges, and making a choice every single day. If his watchmaker carrier comes to an end he could always go teach.

Moving on……

So, what’s up with Sean? I ask this question pretty much in every review, maybe I should start a separate column of the week: “What’s up with Sean?” Not only he is hallucinating, he is also blacking out and when he comes to it he has no recollection of the events. We are as much in the dark as he is. Is he attacking people while under the influence of whatever he is under influence of? Could it be that simple? Rosalee should hurry up and help him before it’s too late.

Rosalee doesn’t seem to have much luck with figuring out the solution neither for Sean nor for Juliette. Maybe now, with Adalind’s help, she will be able to get some results. Speaking of Adalind, I didn’t like her being pregnant with Nick’s child, but the way they play this situation is working out for me rather wonderfully. Scared of Juliette she turns to Nick appealing to his paternal instincts. Of course she didn’t show up empty handed. As it turns out there is a solution to half-cure Juliette, namely to suppress the Hexenbiest part of her. All they were missing was Adalind’s mother, well her dead body, anyway. That’s great, only I doubt Juliette will go for it.

Prince Kenneth knows exactly what buttons to push to get what he wants. Telling Juliette about Adalind’s pregnancy was a smart move. He doesn’t care much if Adalind will live or die, he wants to find Diana. And Juliette is the one person who can destroy Nick – she knows exactly how to contact Kelly and she knows where the trailer is. How very careless of Nick not to move it to some place else. It was sad seeing all those books and weapons and potions and what not going up in flames.

Some observations  

Poor rabbit!!!

The Royals are searching for Diana because she is royal blood. She is special. It makes me wonder how special this child is going to be having a Grimm for a father? I bet 20 years from now these two children will be best friends or sworn enemies, but we won’t be there to see it.

The scene at the police station was very powerful. I had goose bumps. I was suddenly afraid Juliette would reveal all their secret identities to everybody.

I laughed out loud every time Adalind showed her belly, and everyone saying “Again!”. I loved Rosalee’s reaction, but Sean’s reaction was even better: “That’s not mine!”
LOL x 1000

Memorable Quotes:

Hank: “You guys haven't found anything that can stop this?”
Monroe: “This is a unique, like, once-in-a-lifetime, "doesn't ever seem to have happened before" kind of event... conundrum.”

Kenneth: “It's surprising how quickly betrayal becomes a viable option, given the right circumstances.”

Monroe: “It's like a Wesen Men's Movement deal, you know? Like that poet, Robert Bly,
except getting in touch with your wild side has a whole different meaning for Wesen.”

Todd: “So, you're a Blutbad and you hang with a Grimm?”
Monroe: “I do.”
Todd: “You don't have a problem with that?”
Monroe: “I don't, and I'm not interested in your opinion if you do.”

Sean to pregnant Adalind: “That is not mine.”
Adalind: “Of course it's not yours. Don't you think I know who I've slept with?”
Sean: “Yeah, well, who haven't you slept with? Let's start there.”
Very to the point.

Rosalee: “Hey, Nick.”
Nick: “Hey, Rosalee.”
Rosalee: “Oh, my God.”
Nick: “That won't be the last.”
Rosalee: “I thought you never wanted... oh, my God! Again?”

Kenneth: “Wouldn't it be wonderful if Nick was in mortal danger and needed Mummy's help? I do hope she's the heroic type.”

Sol’s rating: I absolutely loved it – 5.

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