Reign: Before the final season…

Before diving into the final chapter of Mary’s story, I caught myself thinking: “What to expect?”. What, if anything, I, we, as viewers, should expect from this drama’s final run? Where do we see ourselves when finale’s come - in the throne room or on the scaffold?

p.s. this will be completely spoiler-free for those who have seen all three seasons; if you haven’t, come back later, the rest – read on.

It could be a useless and totally rhetorical speculation, but it’s my blog so I’m doing it anyway. Can we expect a decent finale worthy of those characters we love? Should we expect it from a period drama that presents such a frivolous and casual interpretation of history? Being a fan, I would love to say ‘yes’. Would you?

Despite many and lots of inaccuracies, Reign still managed to stay on real events course, to some extent. Henry’s death, claim to English throne, Elizabeth’s affair with Robert; they even killed off the beloved Francis. But would they dare execute the Queen? And if they don’t, would we like it? Would the story be complete without this torturous and very important period in Mary’s life? If we are left on the high note without getting into doom and gloom, would it all have been worth it?

The writers are certainly not afraid of executions since we witnessed one last season, they are not afraid of loosing characters or taking creative risks. That is good. Unfortunately with only one shortened season left and SO MUCH ground yet to cover, I’m just not so sure they will be able to wrap up properly. Especially now, that the attention will be divided between three counties and three courts, with almost all of the original cast members gone.

We did loose a lot of time in France, with the introduction of English court some of the characters were sidelined. Of course you can’t really tell Mary’s story without Elizabeth, but my opinion is that they should have introduced her earlier, they should’ve killed Francis long before they actually did (despite my love for this character), and they should have focused on Mary’s reign since that is what this series is about. I would love to see her standing up on her own feet and try and rule her country that she knows so little about. That fight and that struggle would’ve been marvelous to watch and Adelaide would’ve played it magically.

But I’m not the writer on this series, I am a viewer; and as one, I am ready to let the imperfections in the stories slide. I want to see where the writers take this Mary, not the historical figure, but the character that I’ve seen suffering and growing up for the last years. I want to see Bash, who doesn’t even have a real life counterpart, to finally find happiness. I want to spend just a little more time with Catherine even though her involvement in Mary’s reign has come to an end.

Since I watched every single episode and reviewed almost all of them, I really hope they will bring this ‘fictional’ story to a logical and satisfying end.

What about you?


  1. Great blog - in a perfect world this series would have been like the Tudors and had a defined amount of episodes before airing thus allowing us to see Mary's entire story in a satisying way.

    Sadly, that can't happen with network television and I am in total agreement with everything you said. As much as I adored Francis, they should have killed him earlier and put Mary back in Scotland much earlier. However, they didn't know how long the show was going to run for and had it been an epic ratings hit they wanted to be able to spread it out as long as possible so I get why we spent so much time in French court.

    I'm honestly not sure how I want the series to end. Mary's real story was so tragic, a part of me loves the idea of the writers rewriting it in a way that I feel history should have gone instead of the sad end. I would actually love to see Mary and Elizabeth end up as friends and unite against all these men who want to take them both down so badly. I don't want to see Mary die, I absolutely love her character and it's depressing to think she might be dead in 14 short episodes.

    But on the other hand, it is history and this show has stuck mostly to the main parts of it. So I'm assuming Mary will inevitably meet her tragic fate. Given the heroic way she has been written from the start, I'll be satisfied as long as she goes out in a blaze of glory. Not sure how it's all going to go down given the short amoutn of time they have but I'm confident it will be great none the less.

  2. First of all, thank you for reading and thank you for sharing your opinion.

    I absolutely love your idea of Mary and Elizabeth uniting against the Knoxes of their world. I would add Catherine to that mix to spice things up. There were glimpses of it last season, of what these three strong women could do given a chance... Makes me sad to think that both Catherine and Elizabeth got their Reign and Mary never really did.

    As for Mary's fate, part of me hopes for a complete re-write of the end but the other part suspects it's unlikely. We will see.
