Grimm: 4x10 “Tribunal”

“May the God of Vengeance now yield me His place to punish the wicked.”

Monroe: “What is right is my love for my wife, and her love for me. That you will never be able to destroy.”

Boy, this was good! In fact I don’t remember loving that much any other episode of Grimm.

Grimm: 4x09 “Wesenrein”

“He had them brought before the court, and a judgment was handed down."

Wu: “I will do whatever I can to help find Monroe, but when this is over, I'm gonna need to have a more, you know, in-depth talk about...”

Considering what happened to Juliette and Monroe in the previous episode I went into this one with high expectations. I shouldn’t have. The episode was very slow and anticlimactic.

Reign: 2x10 “Mercy”

Catherine: “I'm only advising you to choose your next move carefully. The time has come to either dole out mercy or to crush them all. Whichever you choose, there is no turning back.”

Mary got her revenge. Conde helped. Francis, once again, was left out. This seems to be the latest trend. 

Grimm: 4x08 “Chupacabra”

“Cuide su rebaño, nunca deje su lado. Cuide su sangre, el Chupacabra tiene hambre”

Wu: “Cause of death in each one of these cases is what I would call Portland-esque, and by that, I mean it's weird.”

Even if you don’t speak Spanish, the word ‘chupacabra’ in the title is never a good sign. What did we learn from this one? If you are Wesen you should definitely cross off Dominican Republic from your vacation destinations list.