Grimm: 4x13 “Trial by Fire”

“And glory like the phoenix midst her fires, exhales her odours, blazes, and expires. ”

Juliette: “Bring it on, bitch.”

We met a cool, or rather hot, Wesen with an exotic name and Nick’s house got trashed. Again. How does he get by on cop’s salary is a mystery to me.

Reign: 2x14 “The End of the Mourning”

Mary: “You will be the death of me.  And I of you.”

There were few surprises in this one, only they weren’t that much surprising if you follow the series and know the characters.

Reign: 2x13 “Sins of the Past”

Narcisse: “There are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it.” 
Well, this was an episode for everyone. It was hilarious watching Catherine having to endure an unorthodox middle age treatment of a sickness she didn’t even have. It was painfully dramatic watching Mary letting Francis go. It was very romantic, how Bash spoke of his love for Kenna, his words were the best love confession I’ve heard in a long awhile.

Grimm: 4x12 “Maréchaussée”

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

Victor: “Well, we've broken the ice. Let's have lunch.”

The mummy, sorry, the Manticore slash bounty hunter was tracking and killing Wesen who violated the rules of the Wesen Council. There goes the case of the week.

Reign: 2x12 “Banished”

Catherine: “That was a very expensive mistake. What jealous tantrum did that necklace pay for?”

Well, this was bloody brilliant!  
I believe the review will be a long one, so bear with me!

Grimm: 4x11 “Death Do Us Part”

“He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began”

Sean: “What the hell is going on?”

Yeah, let’s start with that! For a review of an episode where words and numbers and objects were shuffling around it is only appropriate to start at the end.

Reign: 2x11 “Getaway”

Mary: “None of us are responsible for our hearts, only our actions.”

This episode aired weeks ago, and I couldn’t bring myself to write about it. I tried, really tried and failed every time. It took all the will power and then some to finally look through my notes and try to understand why was I so disappointed in this one despite some great moments.