The “Reign” phenomena

From the moment the series order was announced it received mixed feedback. On different boards and sites people have been complaining about the silly premise of the show, some didn’t even want to try it, others were more willing to give it a shot. Then, before the premiere, Reign has received three additional script orders. Again there was a lot of speculations regarding the quality of the show and its potential, many were hopeful, many predicted it’s certain and quick demise.

The period drama premiered on October 17th this year and…. it turned out to be much better than many expected. It had good parts and it had “rolling eyes” parts. It was not the best pilot ever seen, but people loved it. I loved it!

Grimm: 3x04 “One Night Stand”

“More and more she grew to love human beings
and wished that she could leave the sea and live among them”
Jake: “She just wasn’t normal”
Nick: “Nobody is Jake, it’s Portland”

After few strong episodes it was inevitable to have a so-so filler-episode. This was certainly not bad, but it wasn’t great. Also it didn’t feel like a Grimm episode. At the beginning I even had to check whether I was watching the right series or not.  

Grimm: 3x03 “A Dish Best Served Cold”

“‘Tis Death’s Park, where he breeds life to feed him.
 Cries of pain are music for his banquet ”
Nick: “Somebody always has a very good reason for killing somebody they don't like.”

Grimm this week went into full Revenge mode and what a delightful hour it was!

It started out nicely with Monroe and Rosalee out on a date in a fancy restaurant. The whole “we should maybe think about moving in together” speech was so adorable and totally Monroe-like, only it took him about five minutes to say it out loud and it involved clothes and closets spaces, following by the first “I love you”. How sweet… but since it is Grimm we’re watching it was bound to get grim.

Grimm: 3x02 “PTZD”

“It is not more surprising to be born twice than once;
everything in nature is resurrection”
Sean: “This is one of those times, Nick, where you walk in two worlds. You know why you did it. You just can't explain it, at least not in a court of law.”

My prediction last week about Nick getting cured and everything going back to normal was a bust. Yes, he was cured but with what it seems the weirdest side effect ever. And yes, everything looked like it was back to normal, only it wasn’t.