Reign: 4x03 “Leaps of Faith”

Mary: “We all die, Gideon. Question is what we stood for while we lived.”

Wow, there were so many broken hearts in this one, I lost count. There were also few unexpected turns of events and I simply love it when I get surprised. More on that below…

Reign: 4x02 “A Grain of Deception”

James: “In an effort to take down your enemies, you run the risk of losing those you truly need.

We saw first few battles and I’m not quite sure who won, if anyone.

Grimm: 6x07 “Blind Love”

Wu: “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart, and therefore is lost to Cupid's mighty dart.”

This was Grimm's response to a Valentine’s Day. I think.

Reign: 4x01 “With friends like these”

Gideon: “The two of you are so consumed with each other, you didn't notice Knox in the corner, cheering you on to fight to the death.”

It has been almost eight months since the last season finale of Reign. Too long, if you ask me. However, from the first moments it felt as if it has just been yesterday. Here it is – the final journey of Mary, Queen of Scots begun.

Grimm: 6x06 “Breakfast in Bed”

Monroe: “Well, like the man said, life is a nightmare that prevents one from sleeping”.

While Nick and Hank were trying to solve the mystery of a locked room in a local hotel, Rosalee, Monroe and Eve solved the stick/cloth puzzle.  Simply put - another day in wesen infested Portland.

Reign: Before the final season…

Before diving into the final chapter of Mary’s story, I caught myself thinking: “What to expect?”. What, if anything, I, we, as viewers, should expect from this drama’s final run? Where do we see ourselves when finale’s come - in the throne room or on the scaffold?

p.s. this will be completely spoiler-free for those who have seen all three seasons; if you haven’t, come back later, the rest – read on.

Grimm: 6x05 “The Seven Year Itch”

Meisner: “I've heard the only way to battle your demons is to take a trip to their hell.”

I must say, this was more fun, than anything else.

Grimm: 6x04 “El Cuegle”

Monroe: “We live in a world full of, you know, people with shoes.”

Last week I asked – “What’s next?” Apparently (and logically) the next one must be a filler episode and it was. But it was a very good one.