Well, that what happens when
a snowball of bad mistakes finally hits you. I think this episode was the
saddest one yet - so many disappointments and heartache, I lost count.
Let’s start with Louis. After previous episode one might though things simply
can not get any worse for our prince. Well, us and Louis were in for a
surprise. You don’t just wed the Queen of England and hope that’s the end of
your fall. Your fall has just begun. To marry Elizabeth for real he has to become a King of
France first.
I’m not sure how one can achieve something like that other than going for
the present king's assassination. If Conde goes this way, Mary will never forgive
him. Is he that far gone? Come to think of it, if Louis by some miraculous luck
becomes King of France, I bet he’d rather wed Mary and simply stay in France.
Another one who got so deep in his desire to marry the woman he loves,
that he decided that simply beating people up isn’t enough anymore and he
should add stealing to the list of all things he’d done wrong lately. Yes, Leith, I’m talking to you!
It wasn’t really a surprise that Greer turned him down. She secured a certain future for herself, she is now an independent woman, who doesn’t need to rely on men to support her. I see perfectly well why she wouldn’t want to give that up. Leith with his love for this woman failed to see her as who she has become. Let’s imagine their future for a moment: she’s banned from the court, considering her Madame carrier she would most certainly be banned from the rest of the places; would she just sit at home and knit? Maybe if he offered her that back when she was stripped of everything and banished from the castle, she would have said yes. But she is not that woman anymore and she is right - he can’t promise her any kind of security and just love isn’t enough for her anymore.
It wasn’t really a surprise that Greer turned him down. She secured a certain future for herself, she is now an independent woman, who doesn’t need to rely on men to support her. I see perfectly well why she wouldn’t want to give that up. Leith with his love for this woman failed to see her as who she has become. Let’s imagine their future for a moment: she’s banned from the court, considering her Madame carrier she would most certainly be banned from the rest of the places; would she just sit at home and knit? Maybe if he offered her that back when she was stripped of everything and banished from the castle, she would have said yes. But she is not that woman anymore and she is right - he can’t promise her any kind of security and just love isn’t enough for her anymore.
Another one who got disappointed was Claude. I wish I cared, but I don’t.
Her presumably passionate love with someone we haven’t seen or heard of wasn’t
very believable and him turning her down didn’t do anything for me. I wouldn’t
even mention her, if it wasn’t for the obvious parallels between her and Leith. Are they pushing those two together? God, I hope
Francis was disappointed in Mary for thinking and acting like a woman and
not a Queen. Who could blame him? She disregarded completely all and every
threat and wasn’t thinking clearly. Conde is not some noble, he is a prince
with a legitimate claim to the French throne, and if he is married to Elizabeth, not only France
will be in danger, but Francis as well, and Mary herself, and Scotland for that matter. It is a
simple math that escaped Mary completely.
Bash dropped by for a single scene only, but a very powerful one. His
words to Mary were harsh but true, as long as she’s Queen no man is ever going to be safe
with her. She quickly jumped to conclusion that the only man who could survive
is the King himself and run back to Francis, not out of love, but out of necessity. Do you remember those times, when these two were madly in love? It feels like
centuries ago, such a big gap is between them right now. Mary comparing them to
the prisoners in a dungeon chained together for life definitely made that gap
even wider.
Narcisse was his unspeakable self and humiliated Lola in front of entire
court by drawing a picture of her naked in his bath. What a bastard! At least
he was smart enough to see through Catherine, who of course made him do that
out of jealousy, maybe not a romantic one, but still a jealousy.
The only two who weren’t disappointed or have their hearts broken are
Renaude and Kenna. After sex dreams and longing horny looks and quite
suggestive banter, Kenna gave in to temptation and offered herself to the
general. We’ll see how those two handle the ‘what’s to come next’.
Historical bits
When Mary visited Greer’s brothel I caught a glimpse of macaroons on the
table. I though it was a bit out of place and that it was a mistake on the part
of production. Well, the mistake was mine. As almighty Internet suggests the culinary historians claim that
macaroons can be traced to an Italian monastery of the 9th century. Later, in
1533, some of the monks came to France
and joined the pastry chefs of Catherine de Medici. Well, live and learn.
Some observations
and Catherine. Still having sex. Still no chemistry.
Kenna’s sex
dream was the exact replica of the scene in the pilot, only instead of Renaude
it was Henry. I’m sure Freud would have a blast with interpreting this one.
Wardrobe department
The “Best Dress of the week”
Award goes to Mary. Thought the dress gave a bit of ‘widow-y’ vibe, it was
still gorgeous.
The “Worst Dress of the
week” Award goes to Claude.
I was thinking of giving it
to Greer. I didn't because it looked as if the actress is pregnant and they are trying [very
badly] to cover that up. It that is not true, the dress is simply unforgivable.
Memorable Quotes:
Narcisse: “I
took advantage of the sufferings of others to build my holdings. I blackmailed
the king, I threatened the safety of everyone he loved, including you. A few
people, I had kidnapped.”
Seriously, why is he still alive?
“Francis doesn't understand how I could feel so responsible for Conde's
Bash: “You
mean that you encouraged the love of a man below you in rank? Because he found
himself drawn into political intrigues he knew nothing about, with enemies he'd
never had before? Because he found himself doing things he'd never
contemplated, getting in deeper and deeper.”
Sol’s rating: A good
one. A sad one, but a good one – 3 out of 5.
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