It felt like a finale of
Did you feel that too?
Did you feel that too?
No England
in this one. Only Sir Nicholas, who wasn’t doing a very good job, his secret
meeting with Antoine was compromised and he let himself be blackmailed by
Catherine. The biggest mistake was his inability to sniff out that the
King is dying, not in time anyway. Honestly how was this possible? Francis looked
awful! Also, considering how many people now know the secret, it is a miracle this information is so well contained.
Despite being barely able to stand on his feet and terrible pain Francis managed
to put all his affairs in order, so to speak. Bourbons are no longer a threat
to the throne, France
now has a regent who will fiercely defend it, Mary may get the strongest navy
in the world in the face of Don Carlos, Lola and
John are now under Narcisse’s protection.Very impressive.
let's talk about this 360 degrees turn. Narcisse has his moments, doesn’t he? Very
timely ones, at that. But Charles learned the lesson and Narcisse got the
blessing from the King to marry Lola. The wedding had to have happened soon,
considering the damage to Lola’s reputation Francis is dying, but I didn’t
think that it would happen like right this moment.
On the
other hand I was glad, because color me suspicious, but I was waiting for the
rat shoe to drop. But now it probably doesn’t matter, they are married and have
other problems to worry about. The rat looks like a picnic compare to Catherine.
When Francis dies, they won’t have much option but to run. Seriously, Catherine congratulating Narcisse
and Lola and wishing them long and healthy life was the scariest scene they
have ever done. Period. Yes, I remember about all the tortures and murders.
Still, this was the scariest scene of them all.
Historical bits
Antoine offered to convert to Catholicism in exchange for Conde’s rescue.
In real life Antoine didn’t have real religious conviction and officially changed religions several times.
So, that part was close to truth. What is different is that whereas Conde was
the head of Protestants, Antoine spent most of his life fighting for the King
of France, and subsequently for Catherine, when she was regent for her son
Francis: “There are so many
things I wish we'd done together: eating oranges freshly plucked from the trees
in Nice, dancing under the stars at the Louvre.”
Mary: “Well, we were married there.”
No, they
were married in the
cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. They did however dance a lot that night, but
not at the Louvre, the grand banquet was in the Palais de Justice.
Mary was indeed suggested as one of the brides
for Don Carlos (he married Anna of Austria instead).
Some observations
We finally know what happened to Conde. He was captured by mercenaries,
and his brother (the King of Navarre) came for help to the very people who want
his brother’s dead. That was a bit far fetched. Doesn’t he have other resources?
I didn’t like this move because it was obviously made out of convenience: they promise
to help Conde and Antoine drops his claim to the French throne. Oh, well….
So Leith does have feelings for Claude. They ARE going
Francis and
Mary dance was absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking.
ladies are now on duty at court. How very open minded on the part of King and
Bash got a confirmation from a survived victim that Delphine is not the
killer. Still not interested.
Let’s play hypothetical: if Mary marries Don
Carlos, Francis’ sister Elizabeth would be her stepmother. That would make for
a very confusing family tree; then again hardly a surprise when it comes to royal
How very ominous that Catherine picked the throne of the King and not the
Queen, because she will be the real King behind the King for many years to
Wardrobe department
There were so many gorgeous
dresses in this one… especially those two
and I honestly didn’t spot a
single one that was really bad… except for this…. is this some kind of bird?
Memorable Quotes:
Narcisse: “You may not be king, but your
actions reflect on Francis, and he has the weight of thousands of lives, just
like this one, on his shoulders.”
I almost didn’t
believe my ears.
Francis: “The measure of a man is what he does
when no one is looking.”
Sol’s rating: solid 4.
The dance... speechless. I never felt to much in a couple of minutes. Heartbreaking. After that, I almost felt depressed.