“One could have called that
shape a woman or a boy: for it seemed
neither and seemed both”
Juliette: “Aren't you half
What is the difference though?
At the beginning of season 2 (I believe it was episode 2x02 Kiss) we learned that Sean Renard is half Hexenbiest. That remained true right up until this season when they all of a sudden started referring to him as Zauberbiest. Wikipedia quickly corrected the page accordingly, but it took me awhile to get used to this turn of events. Kept hoping it was a mistake. Until this episode, when Sean confirmed it loud and clear – see the opening quote. Got it!
Sol’s rating: Nothing spectacular, so 2 out of

Sean: “Why does everybody keep
making that mistake? I am not a Hexenbiest. I'm a Zauberbiest. There's a
What is the difference though?
At the beginning of season 2 (I believe it was episode 2x02 Kiss) we learned that Sean Renard is half Hexenbiest. That remained true right up until this season when they all of a sudden started referring to him as Zauberbiest. Wikipedia quickly corrected the page accordingly, but it took me awhile to get used to this turn of events. Kept hoping it was a mistake. Until this episode, when Sean confirmed it loud and clear – see the opening quote. Got it!
But why? Why would they decide to change his wesen name all of as sudden?
To accommodate the story? I hate it when they do that, have an idea and then
change the past to make it work. Plus it isn’t that much of a difference, according to Grimm’s sources, Zauberbiest is just the male form of Hexenbiest,
so technically the same species, so technically he should have been able to
open that book with his own blood. That makes the change of name even more
Moving on.
First Nick moved to the couch, now Juliette moved into her car… their
life together has gone completely off course. And to make things worse Juliette decided to
move in with Sean. Oh, what a brilliant idea! Come to think of it he might be
the only one strong enough to stop her, so it is somewhat logical, but I’m not sure Nick
will see it that way.
One can argue Juliette is not quite capable yet to control her powers,
and is afraid she might hurt Nick or someone else. But judging how her personality
slowly changes, soon this won’t be a problem. For one, I’m curious as to what’s
going to happen with her.
It was obvious pretty early on that the suspect of
this elaborate scheme of seduction, blackmail and robbery (and finally
murder) was one and the same,
since we’ve never seen Stacy and her male half Linus together at the
same time. The case wasn't a total bust, watching Monroe go undercover was mildly amusing.
We haven’t seen much of Adalind, whose reaction to her expecting
situation was very in the character - to search for another father for her baby, anyone other than
Nick. interestingly enough, her first choice was Viktor, and not Sean! No luck, since Victor has been sent away. Instead she found his father and we were finally introduced to the
King. I must say it was too little too late. I stopped being fascinated by all things royal
like couple of seasons ago.
Some observations
I noticed something, whenever
Adalind woges her hair turn gray, but whenever Juliette woges, her hair stay
the same. Why is that? Is it a blonde thing?
Memorable Quotes:
Sean: “Well,
you do have abilities that defy explanation. How you learn to use them will determine
what you become.”
Nick: “Well,
we think the woman's gonna be at Olive or Twist tonight.”
Monroe: “Olive or Twist, I love that
place. Prices'll scare the Dickens out of you, though.”
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