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“Death stood behind him, and said: Follow me,
the hour of your departure from this world has come.’ ”
Yellow plague, horrible
rash, giant porcupine, crazy cat out of the cage and walking on the ceiling,
yet another Wesen killer sent after the key, but for some reason I couldn’t
stop smiling throughout the episode.
From awkward adorable
romance of Monroe and Rosalee to Juliette questioning Bud with Hank in between
so eager to catch Wesen of this world with all of the best quotes this time it
made this episode a fun ride and I couldn’t for the life of me take it too
The other sort of serious bit is this new Wesen (a Nuckelavee) sent after the key and/or Nick. I will say very
little about him since all we got is him following our heroes throughout the episode and not even hiding much. I guess we’ll see more of him in the next episode. I'd like to mention that even though he is described in Grimm's universe as a horse-type Wesen he did not look like a horse-like to me. All I saw was pretty hot guy turn into horrible something.
All of the scenes in the
spice shop were just hilarious: Rosalee hitting on Monroe that way, Hank finding out that Monroe and Rosalee are
Wesen, Nick hunting down Rosalee and Monro’s reaction to her unconscious body. It
was so nice for Monroe
to tell Hank the truth about scaring him in the woods awhile back. It must have
been so tempting to hide that little fact and it was so much in his character
to be honest about it. And it made for a fun scene which is always a plus.
Some observations
The opening credits lost a
voice over. That was a wise choice. It is much much better now.
That poor sick guy (Stanton)
looked awful even before morphing into a disgusting rat.
How could Nick ever touch that
body!? Where’s his common sense? He’s Grimm, he’s not invincible (or is he?)
Captain Renard has a picture
of a baby in his office on the desk behind his. Just noticed it. Who is that?
Seems like a strange choice of photo for someone who doesn’t have kids, not to
mention is half-Wesen.
Renard and his friend spoke
French like always and then all of a sudden switched to English in the middle
of conversation?
That picnic scene for some
reason made me think of Buffy.
Hank’s is doing so much
better, like he’s himself again. That’s what sanity does to you. Good. Another
episode of him going crazy would have been too much.
I didn’t catch the number of
the episode anywhere in the episode this time. Did any of you?
Memorable Quotes:
Rosalee: “There was a time I
used to love to run through the woods.”
Hank: “Then it's not
Dr. Harper: “Probably not. Since
you were exposed last night and you look reasonably healthy”
Bud: “Well, you know, him
being a Grimm.”
Juliette: “A what?”Bud: “A Grimm.”
Juliette: “What's a Grimm?”
Bud: “You don't know what a Grimm is. Uh... Uh, uh, uh...Well, a Grimm is kind of a term
for a, uh... A-a good cop, a guy, a person who helps people in need...you know, the needy.
Uh, helpless people. Oh, gosh, look at the time”.
(I just love Bud!)
to my grandmother on my mother's side, which reminded me of my grandmother,
who used to take us for picnics when I was a kid. And then I remembered the picnic basket,
and I sort of forgot about the camera and started looking for the basket. I get sidetracked sometimes.”
(No kidding!)
(Of course Monroe knew Nick would never have killed her, but he was in such a state worrying about Rosalee that he delivered that line and made it totally believable)
Rosalee: “Um... Did we, um,
Rosalee: “I thought it was a dream."
Rosalee: “I don't know about that.”
Sol’s Rating: 4 out of 4
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