Grimm: 4x01 “Thanks for the Memories”

“Knowledge is power”
Nick: “It's weird, you know, not being weird anymore, just being a regular cop”

Welcome back Grimmsters! It’s season 4! Finally! 

Grimm might have lost the tradition of finishing the season and starting the next one with the endless “to be continued” loop, but one other tradition lives no matter what. Every season finale and next season opener Nick’s house gets trashed. Someone always brakes in, someone is always getting shot at or doing the shooting, vases and furniture end up broken and sometimes someone dies. This time it was all of the above. 

Reign: 2x03 "Coronation"

Francis: “I want the same world as you do, the better one. And the only way to build it is together. We do greater things when we act as one, when we trust each other as equals. This is not a coronation for a king. It is for a king and queen.” 

For an episode called “Coronation” the coronation took only about 3 minutes of its entire length. But the ceremony itself was not as important as the state of mind and state of marriage of our royal couple by the time they got to that finish line. They went into it together, hand in hand, united by the idea of making this world a better place and being different kind of rulers.

Reign: 2x02 “Drawn and Quartered”

“Same thing happens every plague. Justice suffers and dies with the rest of us.” 

The plague has come and has already gone, the pandemic didn’t last as long as it might have been expected. Things have pretty much come back to normal. The loved ones were buried and  people were dancing and drinking and celebrating the safe return of their King. 

Reign: 2x01 "The Plague"

Catherine: “Welcome to your rule, my queen. And welcome to the real France.”

Mary on the throne of France, alone, gazing at an empty throne next to hers…. What a haunting image of things to come, because it will almost always be like that, well of course if history is any indication here.

Reign started its sophomore year on quite a strong note. The theme followed the main idea behind the season one finale: power shifting to two young kids, who just starting to get a grasp of what being a ruling monarch is.