Grimm: 2x02 "The Kiss"

"If a man of pure heart were to fall in love with her
that would bring her back to life”
 “I trust you”

This episode was fantastic! It had great fights scenes, an expected arrest, an unexpected death, some major revelations, somewhat twisted sacrifice and the kiss.
It had all, yet at the core of an episode was a recurring theme of trust and love. Nick was able to express his feelings about not having his mother in his life and ultimately forgiving her. I don’t know how I’d feel if the mother I thought was dead was suddenly in my life, but it sure as hell would’ve taken a lot longer. I still don’t trust her, neither should Nick, at the very least he should stop and think and not jump in blindly. He doesn’t really know her. I mean if there was ever a reason for her to let him know she’s alive it was when aunt Marie died, yet she only appeared when the coins resurfaced. So even though she obviously cares for Nick, it still feels like she has her own agenda, so that “I love you” bit at the end made me a little sad.

Grimm: 2x01 "Bad Teeth"

“The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,
and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned”

Monroe: “Isn’t she supposed to be like not so alive?”

What a terrific season opener, quite a match for last season finale. Episode started right where it was left off, actually even a bit before that. The whole fight sequence was replayed. And once again we saw “woman in black” to be revealed as Kelly Burkhardt – Nick’s mother. Apparently she did not die in the car accident with her husband, it was her friend who was killed instead and mistaken for a Grimm, so Kelly had to “stay dead” and walk away to protect her son. And now she’s back. I really like this turn of event, totally unexpected and therefore very interesting.