2016: Midseason Premieres

Even though I try to pay attention sometimes some TV series just manage to pass me by. I discover them later, sometimes years later. This year I had some time on my hands due to the long holidays and I decided to see what networks have to offer us in terms of midseason premieres. As usual, no spoilers. 

Continuum - Series Finale

Kiera: "In the fairy tales I've read, the hero enters the cave to slay the dragon. Not to join him."

Yet on more occasions than one she entered the cave to join the dragon and more than few times the dragon deserved it. Don’t you love it when characters you are supposed to hate and those you are supposed to like switch places or join each other? Read on to hear my thoughts about this time-travel loopy loop in general and the finale specifically.

2015: My 50 shades of awesome, weird and mediocre

In the year 2015 Merlin slept with agent Scully (really, The Fall?), Paul Young became the President of the United States (or what’s left of it on The Last Ship) and I will never be able to look at Alicia Florrick’s brother the same way again (thank you Chicago PD). There were lots of beginnings but also some ends. One stings in particular. Adieu, Downton Abbey. You will be missed.  

I love sci-fi as a genre and I’m there for any apocalyptic series. Literally, anything supernatural/horror that the Powers That Be decide to throw my way, I will be watching. I love the shows centered on what happens after the earth is invaded, whoever is behind it, be that aliens, vampires, demons or just regular humans. There is something desperately beautiful about people trying to survive in horrible circumstances and build their life again and deal with all sorts of issues that come with that. The spirit of human nature is never more attractive. That is why a lot of series in my list are from this category. The only exception is still The Walking Dead. I tried it. Twice. Both times couldn’t get past the pilot. I guess zombies is where I draw the line. 

So here are my 50 shades of awesome, weird and mediocre. And all that falls in between. No spoilers, just some basic info and my random thoughts. So read on.